image: php:8.1 before_script: # Install some stuff that the image doesn't come with - apt update -yqq - apt install git libpq-dev libzip-dev zip make wget gnupg -yqq # Install phab - apt install phpab # Install the latest version of ncc (Nosial Code Compiler) - git clone - cd ncc - make redist - php build/src/INSTALL --auto --install-composer - cd .. && rm -rf ncc build: script: - ncc build --config release --log-level debug artifacts: paths: - build/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH release: stage: deploy script: - ncc build --config release --log-level debug - > curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" --upload-file build/release/net.nosial.configlib.ncc "$CI_API_V4_URL/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/packages/generic/net.nosial.configlib/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME/net.nosial.configlib.ncc" artifacts: paths: - build/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG