getPath())) { print(sprintf('Configuration \'%s\' does not exist, aborting' . PHP_EOL, $configuration->getName())); exit(1); } if($import !== null) { try { $configuration->import((string)$import); $configuration->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { print($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } print(sprintf('Configuration \'%s\' imported from \'%s\'' . PHP_EOL, $configuration->getName(), $import)); exit(0); } if($export !== null) { if(!is_string($export)) $export = sprintf('%s.yml', $configuration->getName()); try { $configuration->export($export); } catch (Exception $e) { print($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } print(sprintf('Configuration \'%s\' exported to \'%s\'' . PHP_EOL, $configuration->getName(), $export)); exit(0); } if($editor !== null) { try { self::edit($args, $configuration); } catch(Exception $e) { print($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } if($property === null) { print($configuration->toYaml() . PHP_EOL); } else { if($value === null) { print(Yaml::dump($configuration->get($property), 4, 2) . PHP_EOL); return; } $configuration->set($property, $value); try { $configuration->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { print($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } return; } self::help(); } /** * Prints out the Help information for the program * * @return void */ #[NoReturn] private static function help(): void { print('ConfigLib v' . Runtime::getConstant('net.nosial.configlib', 'version') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); print('Usage: configlib [options]' . PHP_EOL); print(' -h, --help Displays the help menu' . PHP_EOL); print(' --conf, --config The name of the configuration' . PHP_EOL); print(' --prop, --property The property name to select/read (eg; (Inline)' . PHP_EOL); print(' --val, --value The value to set the property (Inline)' . PHP_EOL); print(' -e, --editor (Optional) The editor to use (eg; nano, vim, notepad) (External)' . PHP_EOL); print(' --export (Optional) Exports the configuration to a file' . PHP_EOL); print(' --import (Optional) Imports the configuration from a file' . PHP_EOL); print(' --nc (Optional) Disables type casting (eg; \'true\' > True) will always be a string' . PHP_EOL); print('Examples:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test View the configuration' . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test --prop foo View a specific property' . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test --prop foo --val bar Set a specific property' . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test --editor nano Edit the configuration' . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test --export out.json Export the configuration' . PHP_EOL); print(' configlib --conf test --import in.json Import a configuration' . PHP_EOL); exit(0); } /** * Edits an existing configuration file or creates a new one if it doesn't exist * * @param array $args * @param Configuration $configuration * @return void * @throws InvalidPackageNameException * @throws InvalidScopeException * @throws PackageLockException * @throws PackageNotFoundException */ #[NoReturn] static function edit(array $args, Configuration $configuration): void { $editor = $args['editor'] ?? 'vi'; if(isset($args['e'])) $editor = $args['e']; if($editor == null) { print('No editor specified' . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } // Determine the temporary path to use if(file_exists(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp')) { $tempPath = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp'; } else { if(!file_exists(Runtime::getDataPath('net.nosial.configlib') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp')) { mkdir(Runtime::getDataPath('net.nosial.configlib') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp', 0777, true); if(!file_exists(Runtime::getDataPath('net.nosial.configlib') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp')) { print('Unable to create the temporary path to use' . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } $tempPath = Runtime::getDataPath('net.nosial.configlib') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp'; } if($tempPath == null) { print('Unable to determine the temporary path to use' . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } $fs = new Filesystem(); // Convert the configuration from JSON to YAML for editing purposes $tempFile = $tempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . bin2hex(random_bytes(16)) . '.yaml'; $fs->dumpFile($tempFile, $configuration->toYaml()); $original_hash = hash_file('sha1', $tempFile); try { // Open the editor $process = new Process([$editor, $tempFile]); $process->setTimeout(0); $process->setTty(true); $process->run(); } catch(Exception $e) { print('Unable to open the editor, ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } // Check if the file has changed and if so, update the configuration if($fs->exists($tempFile)) { $new_hash = hash_file('sha1', $tempFile); if($original_hash != $new_hash) { // Convert the YAML back to JSON $yaml = file_get_contents($tempFile); try { $json = Yaml::parse($yaml); } catch (ParseException $e) { print('Unable to parse the YAML file, ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } $path = $configuration->getPath(); $fs->dumpFile($path, json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); print('Configuration updated' . PHP_EOL); } } // Remove the temporary file if($fs->exists($tempFile)) $fs->remove($tempFile); exit(0); } }