Generated Client Names are too long (sometimes) #1

opened 2023-06-21 20:03:00 +00:00 by netkas · 1 comment
netkas commented 2023-06-21 20:03:00 +00:00 (Migrated from

Sometimes FederationLib will generate client names that are too long which doesn't pass validation.

root@FederationLib:~$ create_client
Error: Invalid client name: Reamputation Whatnots Hadean Secretaryships
root@FederationLib:~$ create_client
Error: Invalid client name: Dragonesque Abacination Daytime Macrolepidopterous
root@FederationLib:~$ create_client
2023-06-21T16:01:47-04:00 [net.nosial.federationlib] [INF] Registered client with UUID 42a4465d-15d6-4392-875f-2f76ced9bb2e
Sometimes FederationLib will generate client names that are too long which doesn't pass validation. ``` root@FederationLib:~$ create_client Error: Invalid client name: Reamputation Whatnots Hadean Secretaryships root@FederationLib:~$ create_client Error: Invalid client name: Dragonesque Abacination Daytime Macrolepidopterous root@FederationLib:~$ create_client 2023-06-21T16:01:47-04:00 [net.nosial.federationlib] [INF] Registered client with UUID 42a4465d-15d6-4392-875f-2f76ced9bb2e 42a4465d-15d6-4392-875f-2f76ced9bb2e root@FederationLib:~$ ```
netkas commented 2023-06-21 20:03:00 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @netkas

assigned to @netkas
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