Added dependency nikic\PhpParser

This commit is contained in:
Netkas 2022-10-15 02:02:17 -04:00
parent fae09500c7
commit 35872d6ae8
258 changed files with 22583 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ build
# Autoload files

View file

nikic - PhpParser
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2011, Nikita Popov
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ SRC_PATH=src
# Generates/creates all the autoloader files
make $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/defuse/php-encryption/autoload_spl.php
make $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/nikic/php-parser/autoload_spl.php
make $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/polyfill-ctype/autoload_spl.php
make $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/polyfill-mbstring/autoload_spl.php
make $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/Process/autoload_spl.php
@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/defuse/php-encryption/autoload_spl.php:
$(PHPCC) $(PHPAB) --output $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/defuse/php-encryption/autoload_spl.php \
$(PHPCC) $(PHPAB) --output $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/nikic/PhpParser/autoload_spl.php \
$(PHPCC) $(PHPAB) --output $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/polyfill-ctype/autoload_spl.php \
@ -87,6 +92,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf $(BUILD_PATH)
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/autoload_spl.php
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/defuse/php-encryption/autoload_spl.php
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/nikic/PhpParser/autoload_spl.php
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/polyfill-ctype/autoload_spl.php
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/polyfill-mbstring/autoload_spl.php
rm -f $(SRC_PATH)/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/Process/autoload_spl.php

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ a PPM extension may be built in the future to allow for backwards compatibility.
- Copyright (c) 2004-2022, Fabien Potencier
- Copyright (c) 2010,, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (c) 2013 Austin Hyde
- Copyright (c) 2011, Nikita Popov
# Licenses

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
interface Builder
* Returns the built node.
* @return Node The built node
public function getNode() : Node;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Const_;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class ClassConst implements PhpParser\Builder
protected $flags = 0;
protected $attributes = [];
protected $constants = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a class constant builder
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
* @param Node\Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value Value
public function __construct($name, $value) {
$this->constants = [new Const_($name, BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value))];
* Add another constant to const group
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
* @param Node\Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value Value
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addConst($name, $value) {
$this->constants[] = new Const_($name, BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value));
return $this;
* Makes the constant public.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePublic() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC);
return $this;
* Makes the constant protected.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeProtected() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED);
return $this;
* Makes the constant private.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePrivate() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE);
return $this;
* Makes the constant final.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeFinal() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL);
return $this;
* Sets doc comment for the constant.
* @param PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment Doc comment to set
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDocComment($docComment) {
$this->attributes = [
'comments' => [BuilderHelpers::normalizeDocComment($docComment)]
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built class node.
* @return Stmt\ClassConst The built constant node
public function getNode(): PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\ClassConst(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Class_ extends Declaration
protected $name;
protected $extends = null;
protected $implements = [];
protected $flags = 0;
protected $uses = [];
protected $constants = [];
protected $properties = [];
protected $methods = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a class builder.
* @param string $name Name of the class
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Extends a class.
* @param Name|string $class Name of class to extend
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function extend($class) {
$this->extends = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($class);
return $this;
* Implements one or more interfaces.
* @param Name|string ...$interfaces Names of interfaces to implement
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function implement(...$interfaces) {
foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
$this->implements[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($interface);
return $this;
* Makes the class abstract.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeAbstract() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addClassModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT);
return $this;
* Makes the class final.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeFinal() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addClassModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL);
return $this;
public function makeReadonly() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addClassModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_READONLY);
return $this;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Stmt|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$stmt = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($stmt);
$targets = [
Stmt\TraitUse::class => &$this->uses,
Stmt\ClassConst::class => &$this->constants,
Stmt\Property::class => &$this->properties,
Stmt\ClassMethod::class => &$this->methods,
$class = \get_class($stmt);
if (!isset($targets[$class])) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unexpected node of type "%s"', $stmt->getType()));
$targets[$class][] = $stmt;
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built class node.
* @return Stmt\Class_ The built class node
public function getNode() : PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\Class_($this->name, [
'flags' => $this->flags,
'extends' => $this->extends,
'implements' => $this->implements,
'stmts' => array_merge($this->uses, $this->constants, $this->properties, $this->methods),
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
abstract class Declaration implements PhpParser\Builder
protected $attributes = [];
abstract public function addStmt($stmt);
* Adds multiple statements.
* @param array $stmts The statements to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmts(array $stmts) {
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
return $this;
* Sets doc comment for the declaration.
* @param PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment Doc comment to set
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDocComment($docComment) {
$this->attributes['comments'] = [
return $this;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class EnumCase implements PhpParser\Builder
protected $name;
protected $value = null;
protected $attributes = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates an enum case builder.
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Sets the value.
* @param Node\Expr|string|int $value
* @return $this
public function setValue($value) {
$this->value = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value);
return $this;
* Sets doc comment for the constant.
* @param PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment Doc comment to set
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDocComment($docComment) {
$this->attributes = [
'comments' => [BuilderHelpers::normalizeDocComment($docComment)]
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built enum case node.
* @return Stmt\EnumCase The built constant node
public function getNode(): PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\EnumCase(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Enum_ extends Declaration
protected $name;
protected $scalarType = null;
protected $implements = [];
protected $uses = [];
protected $enumCases = [];
protected $constants = [];
protected $methods = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates an enum builder.
* @param string $name Name of the enum
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Sets the scalar type.
* @param string|Identifier $type
* @return $this
public function setScalarType($scalarType) {
$this->scalarType = BuilderHelpers::normalizeType($scalarType);
return $this;
* Implements one or more interfaces.
* @param Name|string ...$interfaces Names of interfaces to implement
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function implement(...$interfaces) {
foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
$this->implements[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($interface);
return $this;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Stmt|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$stmt = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($stmt);
$targets = [
Stmt\TraitUse::class => &$this->uses,
Stmt\EnumCase::class => &$this->enumCases,
Stmt\ClassConst::class => &$this->constants,
Stmt\ClassMethod::class => &$this->methods,
$class = \get_class($stmt);
if (!isset($targets[$class])) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unexpected node of type "%s"', $stmt->getType()));
$targets[$class][] = $stmt;
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built class node.
* @return Stmt\Enum_ The built enum node
public function getNode() : PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\Enum_($this->name, [
'scalarType' => $this->scalarType,
'implements' => $this->implements,
'stmts' => array_merge($this->uses, $this->enumCases, $this->constants, $this->methods),
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
abstract class FunctionLike extends Declaration
protected $returnByRef = false;
protected $params = [];
/** @var string|Node\Name|Node\NullableType|null */
protected $returnType = null;
* Make the function return by reference.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeReturnByRef() {
$this->returnByRef = true;
return $this;
* Adds a parameter.
* @param Node\Param|Param $param The parameter to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addParam($param) {
$param = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($param);
if (!$param instanceof Node\Param) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Expected parameter node, got "%s"', $param->getType()));
$this->params[] = $param;
return $this;
* Adds multiple parameters.
* @param array $params The parameters to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addParams(array $params) {
foreach ($params as $param) {
return $this;
* Sets the return type for PHP 7.
* @param string|Node\Name|Node\Identifier|Node\ComplexType $type
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setReturnType($type) {
$this->returnType = BuilderHelpers::normalizeType($type);
return $this;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Function_ extends FunctionLike
protected $name;
protected $stmts = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a function builder.
* @param string $name Name of the function
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Node|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$this->stmts[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeStmt($stmt);
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built function node.
* @return Stmt\Function_ The built function node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Stmt\Function_($this->name, [
'byRef' => $this->returnByRef,
'params' => $this->params,
'returnType' => $this->returnType,
'stmts' => $this->stmts,
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Interface_ extends Declaration
protected $name;
protected $extends = [];
protected $constants = [];
protected $methods = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates an interface builder.
* @param string $name Name of the interface
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Extends one or more interfaces.
* @param Name|string ...$interfaces Names of interfaces to extend
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function extend(...$interfaces) {
foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
$this->extends[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($interface);
return $this;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Stmt|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$stmt = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($stmt);
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\ClassConst) {
$this->constants[] = $stmt;
} elseif ($stmt instanceof Stmt\ClassMethod) {
// we erase all statements in the body of an interface method
$stmt->stmts = null;
$this->methods[] = $stmt;
} else {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unexpected node of type "%s"', $stmt->getType()));
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built interface node.
* @return Stmt\Interface_ The built interface node
public function getNode() : PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\Interface_($this->name, [
'extends' => $this->extends,
'stmts' => array_merge($this->constants, $this->methods),
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Method extends FunctionLike
protected $name;
protected $flags = 0;
/** @var array|null */
protected $stmts = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a method builder.
* @param string $name Name of the method
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Makes the method public.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePublic() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC);
return $this;
* Makes the method protected.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeProtected() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED);
return $this;
* Makes the method private.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePrivate() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE);
return $this;
* Makes the method static.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeStatic() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC);
return $this;
* Makes the method abstract.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeAbstract() {
if (!empty($this->stmts)) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot make method with statements abstract');
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT);
$this->stmts = null; // abstract methods don't have statements
return $this;
* Makes the method final.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeFinal() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL);
return $this;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Node|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
if (null === $this->stmts) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot add statements to an abstract method');
$this->stmts[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeStmt($stmt);
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built method node.
* @return Stmt\ClassMethod The built method node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Stmt\ClassMethod($this->name, [
'flags' => $this->flags,
'byRef' => $this->returnByRef,
'params' => $this->params,
'returnType' => $this->returnType,
'stmts' => $this->stmts,
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Namespace_ extends Declaration
private $name;
private $stmts = [];
* Creates a namespace builder.
* @param Node\Name|string|null $name Name of the namespace
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = null !== $name ? BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($name) : null;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Node|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$this->stmts[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeStmt($stmt);
return $this;
* Returns the built node.
* @return Stmt\Namespace_ The built node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Stmt\Namespace_($this->name, $this->stmts, $this->attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
class Param implements PhpParser\Builder
protected $name;
protected $default = null;
/** @var Node\Identifier|Node\Name|Node\NullableType|null */
protected $type = null;
protected $byRef = false;
protected $variadic = false;
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a parameter builder.
* @param string $name Name of the parameter
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Sets default value for the parameter.
* @param mixed $value Default value to use
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDefault($value) {
$this->default = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value);
return $this;
* Sets type for the parameter.
* @param string|Node\Name|Node\Identifier|Node\ComplexType $type Parameter type
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setType($type) {
$this->type = BuilderHelpers::normalizeType($type);
if ($this->type == 'void') {
throw new \LogicException('Parameter type cannot be void');
return $this;
* Sets type for the parameter.
* @param string|Node\Name|Node\Identifier|Node\ComplexType $type Parameter type
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
* @deprecated Use setType() instead
public function setTypeHint($type) {
return $this->setType($type);
* Make the parameter accept the value by reference.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeByRef() {
$this->byRef = true;
return $this;
* Make the parameter variadic
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeVariadic() {
$this->variadic = true;
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built parameter node.
* @return Node\Param The built parameter node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Node\Param(
new Node\Expr\Variable($this->name),
$this->default, $this->type, $this->byRef, $this->variadic, [], 0, $this->attributeGroups

View file

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\ComplexType;
class Property implements PhpParser\Builder
protected $name;
protected $flags = 0;
protected $default = null;
protected $attributes = [];
/** @var null|Identifier|Name|NullableType */
protected $type;
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates a property builder.
* @param string $name Name of the property
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Makes the property public.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePublic() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC);
return $this;
* Makes the property protected.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeProtected() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED);
return $this;
* Makes the property private.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePrivate() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE);
return $this;
* Makes the property static.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeStatic() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC);
return $this;
* Makes the property readonly.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeReadonly() {
$this->flags = BuilderHelpers::addModifier($this->flags, Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_READONLY);
return $this;
* Sets default value for the property.
* @param mixed $value Default value to use
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDefault($value) {
$this->default = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value);
return $this;
* Sets doc comment for the property.
* @param PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment Doc comment to set
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function setDocComment($docComment) {
$this->attributes = [
'comments' => [BuilderHelpers::normalizeDocComment($docComment)]
return $this;
* Sets the property type for PHP 7.4+.
* @param string|Name|Identifier|ComplexType $type
* @return $this
public function setType($type) {
$this->type = BuilderHelpers::normalizeType($type);
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built class node.
* @return Stmt\Property The built property node
public function getNode() : PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\Property(
$this->flags !== 0 ? $this->flags : Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC,
new Stmt\PropertyProperty($this->name, $this->default)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class TraitUse implements Builder
protected $traits = [];
protected $adaptations = [];
* Creates a trait use builder.
* @param Node\Name|string ...$traits Names of used traits
public function __construct(...$traits) {
foreach ($traits as $trait) {
* Adds used trait.
* @param Node\Name|string $trait Trait name
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function and($trait) {
$this->traits[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($trait);
return $this;
* Adds trait adaptation.
* @param Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation|Builder\TraitUseAdaptation $adaptation Trait adaptation
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function with($adaptation) {
$adaptation = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($adaptation);
if (!$adaptation instanceof Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation) {
throw new \LogicException('Adaptation must have type TraitUseAdaptation');
$this->adaptations[] = $adaptation;
return $this;
* Returns the built node.
* @return Node The built node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Stmt\TraitUse($this->traits, $this->adaptations);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class TraitUseAdaptation implements Builder
const TYPE_ALIAS = 1;
/** @var int Type of building adaptation */
protected $type;
protected $trait;
protected $method;
protected $modifier = null;
protected $alias = null;
protected $insteadof = [];
* Creates a trait use adaptation builder.
* @param Node\Name|string|null $trait Name of adaptated trait
* @param Node\Identifier|string $method Name of adaptated method
public function __construct($trait, $method) {
$this->type = self::TYPE_UNDEFINED;
$this->trait = is_null($trait)? null: BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($trait);
$this->method = BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifier($method);
* Sets alias of method.
* @param Node\Identifier|string $alias Alias for adaptated method
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function as($alias) {
if ($this->type === self::TYPE_UNDEFINED) {
$this->type = self::TYPE_ALIAS;
if ($this->type !== self::TYPE_ALIAS) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot set alias for not alias adaptation buider');
$this->alias = $alias;
return $this;
* Sets adaptated method public.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePublic() {
return $this;
* Sets adaptated method protected.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makeProtected() {
return $this;
* Sets adaptated method private.
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function makePrivate() {
return $this;
* Adds overwritten traits.
* @param Node\Name|string ...$traits Traits for overwrite
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function insteadof(...$traits) {
if ($this->type === self::TYPE_UNDEFINED) {
if (is_null($this->trait)) {
throw new \LogicException('Precedence adaptation must have trait');
$this->type = self::TYPE_PRECEDENCE;
if ($this->type !== self::TYPE_PRECEDENCE) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot add overwritten traits for not precedence adaptation buider');
foreach ($traits as $trait) {
$this->insteadof[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($trait);
return $this;
protected function setModifier(int $modifier) {
if ($this->type === self::TYPE_UNDEFINED) {
$this->type = self::TYPE_ALIAS;
if ($this->type !== self::TYPE_ALIAS) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot set access modifier for not alias adaptation buider');
if (is_null($this->modifier)) {
$this->modifier = $modifier;
} else {
throw new \LogicException('Multiple access type modifiers are not allowed');
* Returns the built node.
* @return Node The built node
public function getNode() : Node {
switch ($this->type) {
case self::TYPE_ALIAS:
return new \ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias($this->trait, $this->method, $this->modifier, $this->alias);
return new \ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Precedence($this->trait, $this->method, $this->insteadof);
throw new \LogicException('Type of adaptation is not defined');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Trait_ extends Declaration
protected $name;
protected $uses = [];
protected $properties = [];
protected $methods = [];
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
protected $attributeGroups = [];
* Creates an interface builder.
* @param string $name Name of the interface
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* Adds a statement.
* @param Stmt|PhpParser\Builder $stmt The statement to add
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addStmt($stmt) {
$stmt = BuilderHelpers::normalizeNode($stmt);
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Property) {
$this->properties[] = $stmt;
} elseif ($stmt instanceof Stmt\ClassMethod) {
$this->methods[] = $stmt;
} elseif ($stmt instanceof Stmt\TraitUse) {
$this->uses[] = $stmt;
} else {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unexpected node of type "%s"', $stmt->getType()));
return $this;
* Adds an attribute group.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function addAttribute($attribute) {
$this->attributeGroups[] = BuilderHelpers::normalizeAttribute($attribute);
return $this;
* Returns the built trait node.
* @return Stmt\Trait_ The built interface node
public function getNode() : PhpParser\Node {
return new Stmt\Trait_(
$this->name, [
'stmts' => array_merge($this->uses, $this->properties, $this->methods),
'attrGroups' => $this->attributeGroups,
], $this->attributes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Builder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class Use_ implements Builder
protected $name;
protected $type;
protected $alias = null;
* Creates a name use (alias) builder.
* @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the entity (namespace, class, function, constant) to alias
* @param int $type One of the Stmt\Use_::TYPE_* constants
public function __construct($name, int $type) {
$this->name = BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($name);
$this->type = $type;
* Sets alias for used name.
* @param string $alias Alias to use (last component of full name by default)
* @return $this The builder instance (for fluid interface)
public function as(string $alias) {
$this->alias = $alias;
return $this;
* Returns the built node.
* @return Stmt\Use_ The built node
public function getNode() : Node {
return new Stmt\Use_([
new Stmt\UseUse($this->name, $this->alias)
], $this->type);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Arg;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Use_;
class BuilderFactory
* Creates an attribute node.
* @param string|Name $name Name of the attribute
* @param array $args Attribute named arguments
* @return Node\Attribute
public function attribute($name, array $args = []) : Node\Attribute {
return new Node\Attribute(
* Creates a namespace builder.
* @param null|string|Node\Name $name Name of the namespace
* @return Builder\Namespace_ The created namespace builder
public function namespace($name) : Builder\Namespace_ {
return new Builder\Namespace_($name);
* Creates a class builder.
* @param string $name Name of the class
* @return Builder\Class_ The created class builder
public function class(string $name) : Builder\Class_ {
return new Builder\Class_($name);
* Creates an interface builder.
* @param string $name Name of the interface
* @return Builder\Interface_ The created interface builder
public function interface(string $name) : Builder\Interface_ {
return new Builder\Interface_($name);
* Creates a trait builder.
* @param string $name Name of the trait
* @return Builder\Trait_ The created trait builder
public function trait(string $name) : Builder\Trait_ {
return new Builder\Trait_($name);
* Creates an enum builder.
* @param string $name Name of the enum
* @return Builder\Enum_ The created enum builder
public function enum(string $name) : Builder\Enum_ {
return new Builder\Enum_($name);
* Creates a trait use builder.
* @param Node\Name|string ...$traits Trait names
* @return Builder\TraitUse The create trait use builder
public function useTrait(...$traits) : Builder\TraitUse {
return new Builder\TraitUse(...$traits);
* Creates a trait use adaptation builder.
* @param Node\Name|string|null $trait Trait name
* @param Node\Identifier|string $method Method name
* @return Builder\TraitUseAdaptation The create trait use adaptation builder
public function traitUseAdaptation($trait, $method = null) : Builder\TraitUseAdaptation {
if ($method === null) {
$method = $trait;
$trait = null;
return new Builder\TraitUseAdaptation($trait, $method);
* Creates a method builder.
* @param string $name Name of the method
* @return Builder\Method The created method builder
public function method(string $name) : Builder\Method {
return new Builder\Method($name);
* Creates a parameter builder.
* @param string $name Name of the parameter
* @return Builder\Param The created parameter builder
public function param(string $name) : Builder\Param {
return new Builder\Param($name);
* Creates a property builder.
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return Builder\Property The created property builder
public function property(string $name) : Builder\Property {
return new Builder\Property($name);
* Creates a function builder.
* @param string $name Name of the function
* @return Builder\Function_ The created function builder
public function function(string $name) : Builder\Function_ {
return new Builder\Function_($name);
* Creates a namespace/class use builder.
* @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the entity (namespace or class) to alias
* @return Builder\Use_ The created use builder
public function use($name) : Builder\Use_ {
return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_NORMAL);
* Creates a function use builder.
* @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the function to alias
* @return Builder\Use_ The created use function builder
public function useFunction($name) : Builder\Use_ {
return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION);
* Creates a constant use builder.
* @param Node\Name|string $name Name of the const to alias
* @return Builder\Use_ The created use const builder
public function useConst($name) : Builder\Use_ {
return new Builder\Use_($name, Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT);
* Creates a class constant builder.
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
* @param Node\Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value Value
* @return Builder\ClassConst The created use const builder
public function classConst($name, $value) : Builder\ClassConst {
return new Builder\ClassConst($name, $value);
* Creates an enum case builder.
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
* @return Builder\EnumCase The created use const builder
public function enumCase($name) : Builder\EnumCase {
return new Builder\EnumCase($name);
* Creates node a for a literal value.
* @param Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value $value
* @return Expr
public function val($value) : Expr {
return BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($value);
* Creates variable node.
* @param string|Expr $name Name
* @return Expr\Variable
public function var($name) : Expr\Variable {
if (!\is_string($name) && !$name instanceof Expr) {
throw new \LogicException('Variable name must be string or Expr');
return new Expr\Variable($name);
* Normalizes an argument list.
* Creates Arg nodes for all arguments and converts literal values to expressions.
* @param array $args List of arguments to normalize
* @return Arg[]
public function args(array $args) : array {
$normalizedArgs = [];
foreach ($args as $key => $arg) {
if (!($arg instanceof Arg)) {
$arg = new Arg(BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($arg));
if (\is_string($key)) {
$arg->name = BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifier($key);
$normalizedArgs[] = $arg;
return $normalizedArgs;
* Creates a function call node.
* @param string|Name|Expr $name Function name
* @param array $args Function arguments
* @return Expr\FuncCall
public function funcCall($name, array $args = []) : Expr\FuncCall {
return new Expr\FuncCall(
* Creates a method call node.
* @param Expr $var Variable the method is called on
* @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Method name
* @param array $args Method arguments
* @return Expr\MethodCall
public function methodCall(Expr $var, $name, array $args = []) : Expr\MethodCall {
return new Expr\MethodCall(
* Creates a static method call node.
* @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name
* @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Method name
* @param array $args Method arguments
* @return Expr\StaticCall
public function staticCall($class, $name, array $args = []) : Expr\StaticCall {
return new Expr\StaticCall(
* Creates an object creation node.
* @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name
* @param array $args Constructor arguments
* @return Expr\New_
public function new($class, array $args = []) : Expr\New_ {
return new Expr\New_(
* Creates a constant fetch node.
* @param string|Name $name Constant name
* @return Expr\ConstFetch
public function constFetch($name) : Expr\ConstFetch {
return new Expr\ConstFetch(BuilderHelpers::normalizeName($name));
* Creates a property fetch node.
* @param Expr $var Variable holding object
* @param string|Identifier|Expr $name Property name
* @return Expr\PropertyFetch
public function propertyFetch(Expr $var, $name) : Expr\PropertyFetch {
return new Expr\PropertyFetch($var, BuilderHelpers::normalizeIdentifierOrExpr($name));
* Creates a class constant fetch node.
* @param string|Name|Expr $class Class name
* @param string|Identifier $name Constant name
* @return Expr\ClassConstFetch
public function classConstFetch($class, $name): Expr\ClassConstFetch {
return new Expr\ClassConstFetch(
* Creates nested Concat nodes from a list of expressions.
* @param Expr|string ...$exprs Expressions or literal strings
* @return Concat
public function concat(...$exprs) : Concat {
$numExprs = count($exprs);
if ($numExprs < 2) {
throw new \LogicException('Expected at least two expressions');
$lastConcat = $this->normalizeStringExpr($exprs[0]);
for ($i = 1; $i < $numExprs; $i++) {
$lastConcat = new Concat($lastConcat, $this->normalizeStringExpr($exprs[$i]));
return $lastConcat;
* @param string|Expr $expr
* @return Expr
private function normalizeStringExpr($expr) : Expr {
if ($expr instanceof Expr) {
return $expr;
if (\is_string($expr)) {
return new String_($expr);
throw new \LogicException('Expected string or Expr');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\ComplexType;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\NullableType;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Scalar;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
* This class defines helpers used in the implementation of builders. Don't use it directly.
* @internal
final class BuilderHelpers
* Normalizes a node: Converts builder objects to nodes.
* @param Node|Builder $node The node to normalize
* @return Node The normalized node
public static function normalizeNode($node) : Node {
if ($node instanceof Builder) {
return $node->getNode();
if ($node instanceof Node) {
return $node;
throw new \LogicException('Expected node or builder object');
* Normalizes a node to a statement.
* Expressions are wrapped in a Stmt\Expression node.
* @param Node|Builder $node The node to normalize
* @return Stmt The normalized statement node
public static function normalizeStmt($node) : Stmt {
$node = self::normalizeNode($node);
if ($node instanceof Stmt) {
return $node;
if ($node instanceof Expr) {
return new Stmt\Expression($node);
throw new \LogicException('Expected statement or expression node');
* Normalizes strings to Identifier.
* @param string|Identifier $name The identifier to normalize
* @return Identifier The normalized identifier
public static function normalizeIdentifier($name) : Identifier {
if ($name instanceof Identifier) {
return $name;
if (\is_string($name)) {
return new Identifier($name);
throw new \LogicException('Expected string or instance of Node\Identifier');
* Normalizes strings to Identifier, also allowing expressions.
* @param string|Identifier|Expr $name The identifier to normalize
* @return Identifier|Expr The normalized identifier or expression
public static function normalizeIdentifierOrExpr($name) {
if ($name instanceof Identifier || $name instanceof Expr) {
return $name;
if (\is_string($name)) {
return new Identifier($name);
throw new \LogicException('Expected string or instance of Node\Identifier or Node\Expr');
* Normalizes a name: Converts string names to Name nodes.
* @param Name|string $name The name to normalize
* @return Name The normalized name
public static function normalizeName($name) : Name {
if ($name instanceof Name) {
return $name;
if (is_string($name)) {
if (!$name) {
throw new \LogicException('Name cannot be empty');
if ($name[0] === '\\') {
return new Name\FullyQualified(substr($name, 1));
if (0 === strpos($name, 'namespace\\')) {
return new Name\Relative(substr($name, strlen('namespace\\')));
return new Name($name);
throw new \LogicException('Name must be a string or an instance of Node\Name');
* Normalizes a name: Converts string names to Name nodes, while also allowing expressions.
* @param Expr|Name|string $name The name to normalize
* @return Name|Expr The normalized name or expression
public static function normalizeNameOrExpr($name) {
if ($name instanceof Expr) {
return $name;
if (!is_string($name) && !($name instanceof Name)) {
throw new \LogicException(
'Name must be a string or an instance of Node\Name or Node\Expr'
return self::normalizeName($name);
* Normalizes a type: Converts plain-text type names into proper AST representation.
* In particular, builtin types become Identifiers, custom types become Names and nullables
* are wrapped in NullableType nodes.
* @param string|Name|Identifier|ComplexType $type The type to normalize
* @return Name|Identifier|ComplexType The normalized type
public static function normalizeType($type) {
if (!is_string($type)) {
if (
!$type instanceof Name && !$type instanceof Identifier &&
!$type instanceof ComplexType
) {
throw new \LogicException(
'Type must be a string, or an instance of Name, Identifier or ComplexType'
return $type;
$nullable = false;
if (strlen($type) > 0 && $type[0] === '?') {
$nullable = true;
$type = substr($type, 1);
$builtinTypes = [
$lowerType = strtolower($type);
if (in_array($lowerType, $builtinTypes)) {
$type = new Identifier($lowerType);
} else {
$type = self::normalizeName($type);
$notNullableTypes = [
'void', 'mixed', 'never',
if ($nullable && in_array((string) $type, $notNullableTypes)) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('%s type cannot be nullable', $type));
return $nullable ? new NullableType($type) : $type;
* Normalizes a value: Converts nulls, booleans, integers,
* floats, strings and arrays into their respective nodes
* @param Node\Expr|bool|null|int|float|string|array $value The value to normalize
* @return Expr The normalized value
public static function normalizeValue($value) : Expr {
if ($value instanceof Node\Expr) {
return $value;
if (is_null($value)) {
return new Expr\ConstFetch(
new Name('null')
if (is_bool($value)) {
return new Expr\ConstFetch(
new Name($value ? 'true' : 'false')
if (is_int($value)) {
return new Scalar\LNumber($value);
if (is_float($value)) {
return new Scalar\DNumber($value);
if (is_string($value)) {
return new Scalar\String_($value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$items = [];
$lastKey = -1;
foreach ($value as $itemKey => $itemValue) {
// for consecutive, numeric keys don't generate keys
if (null !== $lastKey && ++$lastKey === $itemKey) {
$items[] = new Expr\ArrayItem(
} else {
$lastKey = null;
$items[] = new Expr\ArrayItem(
return new Expr\Array_($items);
throw new \LogicException('Invalid value');
* Normalizes a doc comment: Converts plain strings to PhpParser\Comment\Doc.
* @param Comment\Doc|string $docComment The doc comment to normalize
* @return Comment\Doc The normalized doc comment
public static function normalizeDocComment($docComment) : Comment\Doc {
if ($docComment instanceof Comment\Doc) {
return $docComment;
if (is_string($docComment)) {
return new Comment\Doc($docComment);
throw new \LogicException('Doc comment must be a string or an instance of PhpParser\Comment\Doc');
* Normalizes a attribute: Converts attribute to the Attribute Group if needed.
* @param Node\Attribute|Node\AttributeGroup $attribute
* @return Node\AttributeGroup The Attribute Group
public static function normalizeAttribute($attribute) : Node\AttributeGroup
if ($attribute instanceof Node\AttributeGroup) {
return $attribute;
if (!($attribute instanceof Node\Attribute)) {
throw new \LogicException('Attribute must be an instance of PhpParser\Node\Attribute or PhpParser\Node\AttributeGroup');
return new Node\AttributeGroup([$attribute]);
* Adds a modifier and returns new modifier bitmask.
* @param int $modifiers Existing modifiers
* @param int $modifier Modifier to set
* @return int New modifiers
public static function addModifier(int $modifiers, int $modifier) : int {
Stmt\Class_::verifyModifier($modifiers, $modifier);
return $modifiers | $modifier;
* Adds a modifier and returns new modifier bitmask.
* @return int New modifiers
public static function addClassModifier(int $existingModifiers, int $modifierToSet) : int {
Stmt\Class_::verifyClassModifier($existingModifiers, $modifierToSet);
return $existingModifiers | $modifierToSet;

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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
class Comment implements \JsonSerializable
protected $text;
protected $startLine;
protected $startFilePos;
protected $startTokenPos;
protected $endLine;
protected $endFilePos;
protected $endTokenPos;
* Constructs a comment node.
* @param string $text Comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
* @param int $startLine Line number the comment started on
* @param int $startFilePos File offset the comment started on
* @param int $startTokenPos Token offset the comment started on
public function __construct(
string $text,
int $startLine = -1, int $startFilePos = -1, int $startTokenPos = -1,
int $endLine = -1, int $endFilePos = -1, int $endTokenPos = -1
) {
$this->text = $text;
$this->startLine = $startLine;
$this->startFilePos = $startFilePos;
$this->startTokenPos = $startTokenPos;
$this->endLine = $endLine;
$this->endFilePos = $endFilePos;
$this->endTokenPos = $endTokenPos;
* Gets the comment text.
* @return string The comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
public function getText() : string {
return $this->text;
* Gets the line number the comment started on.
* @return int Line number (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartLine() : int {
return $this->startLine;
* Gets the file offset the comment started on.
* @return int File offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartFilePos() : int {
return $this->startFilePos;
* Gets the token offset the comment started on.
* @return int Token offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartTokenPos() : int {
return $this->startTokenPos;
* Gets the line number the comment ends on.
* @return int Line number (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndLine() : int {
return $this->endLine;
* Gets the file offset the comment ends on.
* @return int File offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndFilePos() : int {
return $this->endFilePos;
* Gets the token offset the comment ends on.
* @return int Token offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndTokenPos() : int {
return $this->endTokenPos;
* Gets the line number the comment started on.
* @deprecated Use getStartLine() instead
* @return int Line number
public function getLine() : int {
return $this->startLine;
* Gets the file offset the comment started on.
* @deprecated Use getStartFilePos() instead
* @return int File offset
public function getFilePos() : int {
return $this->startFilePos;
* Gets the token offset the comment started on.
* @deprecated Use getStartTokenPos() instead
* @return int Token offset
public function getTokenPos() : int {
return $this->startTokenPos;
* Gets the comment text.
* @return string The comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
public function __toString() : string {
return $this->text;
* Gets the reformatted comment text.
* "Reformatted" here means that we try to clean up the whitespace at the
* starts of the lines. This is necessary because we receive the comments
* without trailing whitespace on the first line, but with trailing whitespace
* on all subsequent lines.
* @return mixed|string
public function getReformattedText() {
$text = trim($this->text);
$newlinePos = strpos($text, "\n");
if (false === $newlinePos) {
// Single line comments don't need further processing
return $text;
} elseif (preg_match('((*BSR_ANYCRLF)(*ANYCRLF)^.*(?:\R\s+\*.*)+$)', $text)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
// /*
// * Some text.
// * Some more text.
// */
// is handled by replacing the whitespace sequences before the * by a single space
return preg_replace('(^\s+\*)m', ' *', $this->text);
} elseif (preg_match('(^/\*\*?\s*[\r\n])', $text) && preg_match('(\n(\s*)\*/$)', $text, $matches)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
// /*
// Some text.
// Some more text.
// */
// is handled by removing the whitespace sequence on the line before the closing
// */ on all lines. So if the last line is " */", then " " is removed at the
// start of all lines.
return preg_replace('(^' . preg_quote($matches[1]) . ')m', '', $text);
} elseif (preg_match('(^/\*\*?\s*(?!\s))', $text, $matches)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
// /* Some text.
// Some more text.
// Indented text.
// Even more text. */
// is handled by removing the difference between the shortest whitespace prefix on all
// lines and the length of the "/* " opening sequence.
$prefixLen = $this->getShortestWhitespacePrefixLen(substr($text, $newlinePos + 1));
$removeLen = $prefixLen - strlen($matches[0]);
return preg_replace('(^\s{' . $removeLen . '})m', '', $text);
// No idea how to format this comment, so simply return as is
return $text;
* Get length of shortest whitespace prefix (at the start of a line).
* If there is a line with no prefix whitespace, 0 is a valid return value.
* @param string $str String to check
* @return int Length in characters. Tabs count as single characters.
private function getShortestWhitespacePrefixLen(string $str) : int {
$lines = explode("\n", $str);
$shortestPrefixLen = \INF;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
preg_match('(^\s*)', $line, $matches);
$prefixLen = strlen($matches[0]);
if ($prefixLen < $shortestPrefixLen) {
$shortestPrefixLen = $prefixLen;
return $shortestPrefixLen;
* @return array
* @psalm-return array{nodeType:string, text:mixed, line:mixed, filePos:mixed}
public function jsonSerialize() : array {
// Technically not a node, but we make it look like one anyway
$type = $this instanceof Comment\Doc ? 'Comment_Doc' : 'Comment';
return [
'nodeType' => $type,
'text' => $this->text,
// TODO: Rename these to include "start".
'line' => $this->startLine,
'filePos' => $this->startFilePos,
'tokenPos' => $this->startTokenPos,
'endLine' => $this->endLine,
'endFilePos' => $this->endFilePos,
'endTokenPos' => $this->endTokenPos,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Comment;
class Doc extends \ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Comment

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
class ConstExprEvaluationException extends \Exception

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use function array_merge;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Scalar;
* Evaluates constant expressions.
* This evaluator is able to evaluate all constant expressions (as defined by PHP), which can be
* evaluated without further context. If a subexpression is not of this type, a user-provided
* fallback evaluator is invoked. To support all constant expressions that are also supported by
* PHP (and not already handled by this class), the fallback evaluator must be able to handle the
* following node types:
* * All Scalar\MagicConst\* nodes.
* * Expr\ConstFetch nodes. Only null/false/true are already handled by this class.
* * Expr\ClassConstFetch nodes.
* The fallback evaluator should throw ConstExprEvaluationException for nodes it cannot evaluate.
* The evaluation is dependent on runtime configuration in two respects: Firstly, floating
* point to string conversions are affected by the precision ini setting. Secondly, they are also
* affected by the LC_NUMERIC locale.
class ConstExprEvaluator
private $fallbackEvaluator;
* Create a constant expression evaluator.
* The provided fallback evaluator is invoked whenever a subexpression cannot be evaluated. See
* class doc comment for more information.
* @param callable|null $fallbackEvaluator To call if subexpression cannot be evaluated
public function __construct(callable $fallbackEvaluator = null) {
$this->fallbackEvaluator = $fallbackEvaluator ?? function(Expr $expr) {
throw new ConstExprEvaluationException(
"Expression of type {$expr->getType()} cannot be evaluated"
* Silently evaluates a constant expression into a PHP value.
* Thrown Errors, warnings or notices will be converted into a ConstExprEvaluationException.
* The original source of the exception is available through getPrevious().
* If some part of the expression cannot be evaluated, the fallback evaluator passed to the
* constructor will be invoked. By default, if no fallback is provided, an exception of type
* ConstExprEvaluationException is thrown.
* See class doc comment for caveats and limitations.
* @param Expr $expr Constant expression to evaluate
* @return mixed Result of evaluation
* @throws ConstExprEvaluationException if the expression cannot be evaluated or an error occurred
public function evaluateSilently(Expr $expr) {
set_error_handler(function($num, $str, $file, $line) {
throw new \ErrorException($str, 0, $num, $file, $line);
try {
return $this->evaluate($expr);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if (!$e instanceof ConstExprEvaluationException) {
$e = new ConstExprEvaluationException(
"An error occurred during constant expression evaluation", 0, $e);
throw $e;
} finally {
* Directly evaluates a constant expression into a PHP value.
* May generate Error exceptions, warnings or notices. Use evaluateSilently() to convert these
* into a ConstExprEvaluationException.
* If some part of the expression cannot be evaluated, the fallback evaluator passed to the
* constructor will be invoked. By default, if no fallback is provided, an exception of type
* ConstExprEvaluationException is thrown.
* See class doc comment for caveats and limitations.
* @param Expr $expr Constant expression to evaluate
* @return mixed Result of evaluation
* @throws ConstExprEvaluationException if the expression cannot be evaluated
public function evaluateDirectly(Expr $expr) {
return $this->evaluate($expr);
private function evaluate(Expr $expr) {
if ($expr instanceof Scalar\LNumber
|| $expr instanceof Scalar\DNumber
|| $expr instanceof Scalar\String_
) {
return $expr->value;
if ($expr instanceof Expr\Array_) {
return $this->evaluateArray($expr);
// Unary operators
if ($expr instanceof Expr\UnaryPlus) {
return +$this->evaluate($expr->expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\UnaryMinus) {
return -$this->evaluate($expr->expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\BooleanNot) {
return !$this->evaluate($expr->expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\BitwiseNot) {
return ~$this->evaluate($expr->expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\BinaryOp) {
return $this->evaluateBinaryOp($expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\Ternary) {
return $this->evaluateTernary($expr);
if ($expr instanceof Expr\ArrayDimFetch && null !== $expr->dim) {
return $this->evaluate($expr->var)[$this->evaluate($expr->dim)];
if ($expr instanceof Expr\ConstFetch) {
return $this->evaluateConstFetch($expr);
return ($this->fallbackEvaluator)($expr);
private function evaluateArray(Expr\Array_ $expr) {
$array = [];
foreach ($expr->items as $item) {
if (null !== $item->key) {
$array[$this->evaluate($item->key)] = $this->evaluate($item->value);
} elseif ($item->unpack) {
$array = array_merge($array, $this->evaluate($item->value));
} else {
$array[] = $this->evaluate($item->value);
return $array;
private function evaluateTernary(Expr\Ternary $expr) {
if (null === $expr->if) {
return $this->evaluate($expr->cond) ?: $this->evaluate($expr->else);
return $this->evaluate($expr->cond)
? $this->evaluate($expr->if)
: $this->evaluate($expr->else);
private function evaluateBinaryOp(Expr\BinaryOp $expr) {
if ($expr instanceof Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce
&& $expr->left instanceof Expr\ArrayDimFetch
) {
// This needs to be special cased to respect BP_VAR_IS fetch semantics
return $this->evaluate($expr->left->var)[$this->evaluate($expr->left->dim)]
?? $this->evaluate($expr->right);
// The evaluate() calls are repeated in each branch, because some of the operators are
// short-circuiting and evaluating the RHS in advance may be illegal in that case
$l = $expr->left;
$r = $expr->right;
switch ($expr->getOperatorSigil()) {
case '&': return $this->evaluate($l) & $this->evaluate($r);
case '|': return $this->evaluate($l) | $this->evaluate($r);
case '^': return $this->evaluate($l) ^ $this->evaluate($r);
case '&&': return $this->evaluate($l) && $this->evaluate($r);
case '||': return $this->evaluate($l) || $this->evaluate($r);
case '??': return $this->evaluate($l) ?? $this->evaluate($r);
case '.': return $this->evaluate($l) . $this->evaluate($r);
case '/': return $this->evaluate($l) / $this->evaluate($r);
case '==': return $this->evaluate($l) == $this->evaluate($r);
case '>': return $this->evaluate($l) > $this->evaluate($r);
case '>=': return $this->evaluate($l) >= $this->evaluate($r);
case '===': return $this->evaluate($l) === $this->evaluate($r);
case 'and': return $this->evaluate($l) and $this->evaluate($r);
case 'or': return $this->evaluate($l) or $this->evaluate($r);
case 'xor': return $this->evaluate($l) xor $this->evaluate($r);
case '-': return $this->evaluate($l) - $this->evaluate($r);
case '%': return $this->evaluate($l) % $this->evaluate($r);
case '*': return $this->evaluate($l) * $this->evaluate($r);
case '!=': return $this->evaluate($l) != $this->evaluate($r);
case '!==': return $this->evaluate($l) !== $this->evaluate($r);
case '+': return $this->evaluate($l) + $this->evaluate($r);
case '**': return $this->evaluate($l) ** $this->evaluate($r);
case '<<': return $this->evaluate($l) << $this->evaluate($r);
case '>>': return $this->evaluate($l) >> $this->evaluate($r);
case '<': return $this->evaluate($l) < $this->evaluate($r);
case '<=': return $this->evaluate($l) <= $this->evaluate($r);
case '<=>': return $this->evaluate($l) <=> $this->evaluate($r);
throw new \Exception('Should not happen');
private function evaluateConstFetch(Expr\ConstFetch $expr) {
$name = $expr->name->toLowerString();
switch ($name) {
case 'null': return null;
case 'false': return false;
case 'true': return true;
return ($this->fallbackEvaluator)($expr);

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
class Error extends \RuntimeException
protected $rawMessage;
protected $attributes;
* Creates an Exception signifying a parse error.
* @param string $message Error message
* @param array|int $attributes Attributes of node/token where error occurred
* (or start line of error -- deprecated)
public function __construct(string $message, $attributes = []) {
$this->rawMessage = $message;
if (is_array($attributes)) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
} else {
$this->attributes = ['startLine' => $attributes];
* Gets the error message
* @return string Error message
public function getRawMessage() : string {
return $this->rawMessage;
* Gets the line the error starts in.
* @return int Error start line
public function getStartLine() : int {
return $this->attributes['startLine'] ?? -1;
* Gets the line the error ends in.
* @return int Error end line
public function getEndLine() : int {
return $this->attributes['endLine'] ?? -1;
* Gets the attributes of the node/token the error occurred at.
* @return array
public function getAttributes() : array {
return $this->attributes;
* Sets the attributes of the node/token the error occurred at.
* @param array $attributes
public function setAttributes(array $attributes) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
* Sets the line of the PHP file the error occurred in.
* @param string $message Error message
public function setRawMessage(string $message) {
$this->rawMessage = $message;
* Sets the line the error starts in.
* @param int $line Error start line
public function setStartLine(int $line) {
$this->attributes['startLine'] = $line;
* Returns whether the error has start and end column information.
* For column information enable the startFilePos and endFilePos in the lexer options.
* @return bool
public function hasColumnInfo() : bool {
return isset($this->attributes['startFilePos'], $this->attributes['endFilePos']);
* Gets the start column (1-based) into the line where the error started.
* @param string $code Source code of the file
* @return int
public function getStartColumn(string $code) : int {
if (!$this->hasColumnInfo()) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Error does not have column information');
return $this->toColumn($code, $this->attributes['startFilePos']);
* Gets the end column (1-based) into the line where the error ended.
* @param string $code Source code of the file
* @return int
public function getEndColumn(string $code) : int {
if (!$this->hasColumnInfo()) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Error does not have column information');
return $this->toColumn($code, $this->attributes['endFilePos']);
* Formats message including line and column information.
* @param string $code Source code associated with the error, for calculation of the columns
* @return string Formatted message
public function getMessageWithColumnInfo(string $code) : string {
return sprintf(
'%s from %d:%d to %d:%d', $this->getRawMessage(),
$this->getStartLine(), $this->getStartColumn($code),
$this->getEndLine(), $this->getEndColumn($code)
* Converts a file offset into a column.
* @param string $code Source code that $pos indexes into
* @param int $pos 0-based position in $code
* @return int 1-based column (relative to start of line)
private function toColumn(string $code, int $pos) : int {
if ($pos > strlen($code)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid position information');
$lineStartPos = strrpos($code, "\n", $pos - strlen($code));
if (false === $lineStartPos) {
$lineStartPos = -1;
return $pos - $lineStartPos;
* Updates the exception message after a change to rawMessage or rawLine.
protected function updateMessage() {
$this->message = $this->rawMessage;
if (-1 === $this->getStartLine()) {
$this->message .= ' on unknown line';
} else {
$this->message .= ' on line ' . $this->getStartLine();

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
interface ErrorHandler
* Handle an error generated during lexing, parsing or some other operation.
* @param Error $error The error that needs to be handled
public function handleError(Error $error);

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Error;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
* Error handler that collects all errors into an array.
* This allows graceful handling of errors.
class Collecting implements ErrorHandler
/** @var Error[] Collected errors */
private $errors = [];
public function handleError(Error $error) {
$this->errors[] = $error;
* Get collected errors.
* @return Error[]
public function getErrors() : array {
return $this->errors;
* Check whether there are any errors.
* @return bool
public function hasErrors() : bool {
return !empty($this->errors);
* Reset/clear collected errors.
public function clearErrors() {
$this->errors = [];

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Error;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
* Error handler that handles all errors by throwing them.
* This is the default strategy used by all components.
class Throwing implements ErrorHandler
public function handleError(Error $error) {
throw $error;

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Internal;
* @internal
class DiffElem
const TYPE_KEEP = 0;
const TYPE_REMOVE = 1;
const TYPE_ADD = 2;
const TYPE_REPLACE = 3;
/** @var int One of the TYPE_* constants */
public $type;
/** @var mixed Is null for add operations */
public $old;
/** @var mixed Is null for remove operations */
public $new;
public function __construct(int $type, $old, $new) {
$this->type = $type;
$this->old = $old;
$this->new = $new;

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Internal;
* Implements the Myers diff algorithm.
* Myers, Eugene W. "An O (ND) difference algorithm and its variations."
* Algorithmica 1.1 (1986): 251-266.
* @internal
class Differ
private $isEqual;
* Create differ over the given equality relation.
* @param callable $isEqual Equality relation with signature function($a, $b) : bool
public function __construct(callable $isEqual) {
$this->isEqual = $isEqual;
* Calculate diff (edit script) from $old to $new.
* @param array $old Original array
* @param array $new New array
* @return DiffElem[] Diff (edit script)
public function diff(array $old, array $new) {
list($trace, $x, $y) = $this->calculateTrace($old, $new);
return $this->extractDiff($trace, $x, $y, $old, $new);
* Calculate diff, including "replace" operations.
* If a sequence of remove operations is followed by the same number of add operations, these
* will be coalesced into replace operations.
* @param array $old Original array
* @param array $new New array
* @return DiffElem[] Diff (edit script), including replace operations
public function diffWithReplacements(array $old, array $new) {
return $this->coalesceReplacements($this->diff($old, $new));
private function calculateTrace(array $a, array $b) {
$n = \count($a);
$m = \count($b);
$max = $n + $m;
$v = [1 => 0];
$trace = [];
for ($d = 0; $d <= $max; $d++) {
$trace[] = $v;
for ($k = -$d; $k <= $d; $k += 2) {
if ($k === -$d || ($k !== $d && $v[$k-1] < $v[$k+1])) {
$x = $v[$k+1];
} else {
$x = $v[$k-1] + 1;
$y = $x - $k;
while ($x < $n && $y < $m && ($this->isEqual)($a[$x], $b[$y])) {
$v[$k] = $x;
if ($x >= $n && $y >= $m) {
return [$trace, $x, $y];
throw new \Exception('Should not happen');
private function extractDiff(array $trace, int $x, int $y, array $a, array $b) {
$result = [];
for ($d = \count($trace) - 1; $d >= 0; $d--) {
$v = $trace[$d];
$k = $x - $y;
if ($k === -$d || ($k !== $d && $v[$k-1] < $v[$k+1])) {
$prevK = $k + 1;
} else {
$prevK = $k - 1;
$prevX = $v[$prevK];
$prevY = $prevX - $prevK;
while ($x > $prevX && $y > $prevY) {
$result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_KEEP, $a[$x-1], $b[$y-1]);
if ($d === 0) {
while ($x > $prevX) {
$result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_REMOVE, $a[$x-1], null);
while ($y > $prevY) {
$result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_ADD, null, $b[$y-1]);
return array_reverse($result);
* Coalesce equal-length sequences of remove+add into a replace operation.
* @param DiffElem[] $diff
* @return DiffElem[]
private function coalesceReplacements(array $diff) {
$newDiff = [];
$c = \count($diff);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$diffType = $diff[$i]->type;
if ($diffType !== DiffElem::TYPE_REMOVE) {
$newDiff[] = $diff[$i];
$j = $i;
while ($j < $c && $diff[$j]->type === DiffElem::TYPE_REMOVE) {
$k = $j;
while ($k < $c && $diff[$k]->type === DiffElem::TYPE_ADD) {
if ($j - $i === $k - $j) {
$len = $j - $i;
for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) {
$newDiff[] = new DiffElem(
DiffElem::TYPE_REPLACE, $diff[$i + $n]->old, $diff[$j + $n]->new
} else {
for (; $i < $k; $i++) {
$newDiff[] = $diff[$i];
$i = $k - 1;
return $newDiff;

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Internal;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
* This node is used internally by the format-preserving pretty printer to print anonymous classes.
* The normal anonymous class structure violates assumptions about the order of token offsets.
* Namely, the constructor arguments are part of the Expr\New_ node and follow the class node, even
* though they are actually interleaved with them. This special node type is used temporarily to
* restore a sane token offset order.
* @internal
class PrintableNewAnonClassNode extends Expr
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] PHP attribute groups */
public $attrGroups;
/** @var Node\Arg[] Arguments */
public $args;
/** @var null|Node\Name Name of extended class */
public $extends;
/** @var Node\Name[] Names of implemented interfaces */
public $implements;
/** @var Node\Stmt[] Statements */
public $stmts;
public function __construct(
array $attrGroups, array $args, Node\Name $extends = null, array $implements,
array $stmts, array $attributes
) {
$this->attrGroups = $attrGroups;
$this->args = $args;
$this->extends = $extends;
$this->implements = $implements;
$this->stmts = $stmts;
public static function fromNewNode(Expr\New_ $newNode) {
$class = $newNode->class;
assert($class instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_);
// We don't assert that $class->name is null here, to allow consumers to assign unique names
// to anonymous classes for their own purposes. We simplify ignore the name here.
return new self(
$class->attrGroups, $newNode->args, $class->extends, $class->implements,
$class->stmts, $newNode->getAttributes()
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_PrintableNewAnonClass';
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['attrGroups', 'args', 'extends', 'implements', 'stmts'];

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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Internal;
* Provides operations on token streams, for use by pretty printer.
* @internal
class TokenStream
/** @var array Tokens (in token_get_all format) */
private $tokens;
/** @var int[] Map from position to indentation */
private $indentMap;
* Create token stream instance.
* @param array $tokens Tokens in token_get_all() format
public function __construct(array $tokens) {
$this->tokens = $tokens;
$this->indentMap = $this->calcIndentMap();
* Whether the given position is immediately surrounded by parenthesis.
* @param int $startPos Start position
* @param int $endPos End position
* @return bool
public function haveParens(int $startPos, int $endPos) : bool {
return $this->haveTokenImmediatelyBefore($startPos, '(')
&& $this->haveTokenImmediatelyAfter($endPos, ')');
* Whether the given position is immediately surrounded by braces.
* @param int $startPos Start position
* @param int $endPos End position
* @return bool
public function haveBraces(int $startPos, int $endPos) : bool {
return ($this->haveTokenImmediatelyBefore($startPos, '{')
|| $this->haveTokenImmediatelyBefore($startPos, T_CURLY_OPEN))
&& $this->haveTokenImmediatelyAfter($endPos, '}');
* Check whether the position is directly preceded by a certain token type.
* During this check whitespace and comments are skipped.
* @param int $pos Position before which the token should occur
* @param int|string $expectedTokenType Token to check for
* @return bool Whether the expected token was found
public function haveTokenImmediatelyBefore(int $pos, $expectedTokenType) : bool {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for (; $pos >= 0; $pos--) {
$tokenType = $tokens[$pos][0];
if ($tokenType === $expectedTokenType) {
return true;
if ($tokenType !== \T_WHITESPACE
&& $tokenType !== \T_COMMENT && $tokenType !== \T_DOC_COMMENT) {
return false;
* Check whether the position is directly followed by a certain token type.
* During this check whitespace and comments are skipped.
* @param int $pos Position after which the token should occur
* @param int|string $expectedTokenType Token to check for
* @return bool Whether the expected token was found
public function haveTokenImmediatelyAfter(int $pos, $expectedTokenType) : bool {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for (; $pos < \count($tokens); $pos++) {
$tokenType = $tokens[$pos][0];
if ($tokenType === $expectedTokenType) {
return true;
if ($tokenType !== \T_WHITESPACE
&& $tokenType !== \T_COMMENT && $tokenType !== \T_DOC_COMMENT) {
return false;
public function skipLeft(int $pos, $skipTokenType) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
$pos = $this->skipLeftWhitespace($pos);
if ($skipTokenType === \T_WHITESPACE) {
return $pos;
if ($tokens[$pos][0] !== $skipTokenType) {
// Shouldn't happen. The skip token MUST be there
throw new \Exception('Encountered unexpected token');
return $this->skipLeftWhitespace($pos);
public function skipRight(int $pos, $skipTokenType) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
$pos = $this->skipRightWhitespace($pos);
if ($skipTokenType === \T_WHITESPACE) {
return $pos;
if ($tokens[$pos][0] !== $skipTokenType) {
// Shouldn't happen. The skip token MUST be there
throw new \Exception('Encountered unexpected token');
return $this->skipRightWhitespace($pos);
* Return first non-whitespace token position smaller or equal to passed position.
* @param int $pos Token position
* @return int Non-whitespace token position
public function skipLeftWhitespace(int $pos) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for (; $pos >= 0; $pos--) {
$type = $tokens[$pos][0];
if ($type !== \T_WHITESPACE && $type !== \T_COMMENT && $type !== \T_DOC_COMMENT) {
return $pos;
* Return first non-whitespace position greater or equal to passed position.
* @param int $pos Token position
* @return int Non-whitespace token position
public function skipRightWhitespace(int $pos) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for ($count = \count($tokens); $pos < $count; $pos++) {
$type = $tokens[$pos][0];
if ($type !== \T_WHITESPACE && $type !== \T_COMMENT && $type !== \T_DOC_COMMENT) {
return $pos;
public function findRight(int $pos, $findTokenType) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for ($count = \count($tokens); $pos < $count; $pos++) {
$type = $tokens[$pos][0];
if ($type === $findTokenType) {
return $pos;
return -1;
* Whether the given position range contains a certain token type.
* @param int $startPos Starting position (inclusive)
* @param int $endPos Ending position (exclusive)
* @param int|string $tokenType Token type to look for
* @return bool Whether the token occurs in the given range
public function haveTokenInRange(int $startPos, int $endPos, $tokenType) {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
for ($pos = $startPos; $pos < $endPos; $pos++) {
if ($tokens[$pos][0] === $tokenType) {
return true;
return false;
public function haveBracesInRange(int $startPos, int $endPos) {
return $this->haveTokenInRange($startPos, $endPos, '{')
|| $this->haveTokenInRange($startPos, $endPos, T_CURLY_OPEN)
|| $this->haveTokenInRange($startPos, $endPos, '}');
* Get indentation before token position.
* @param int $pos Token position
* @return int Indentation depth (in spaces)
public function getIndentationBefore(int $pos) : int {
return $this->indentMap[$pos];
* Get the code corresponding to a token offset range, optionally adjusted for indentation.
* @param int $from Token start position (inclusive)
* @param int $to Token end position (exclusive)
* @param int $indent By how much the code should be indented (can be negative as well)
* @return string Code corresponding to token range, adjusted for indentation
public function getTokenCode(int $from, int $to, int $indent) : string {
$tokens = $this->tokens;
$result = '';
for ($pos = $from; $pos < $to; $pos++) {
$token = $tokens[$pos];
if (\is_array($token)) {
$type = $token[0];
$content = $token[1];
$result .= $content;
} else {
// TODO Handle non-space indentation
if ($indent < 0) {
$result .= str_replace("\n" . str_repeat(" ", -$indent), "\n", $content);
} elseif ($indent > 0) {
$result .= str_replace("\n", "\n" . str_repeat(" ", $indent), $content);
} else {
$result .= $content;
} else {
$result .= $token;
return $result;
* Precalculate the indentation at every token position.
* @return int[] Token position to indentation map
private function calcIndentMap() {
$indentMap = [];
$indent = 0;
foreach ($this->tokens as $token) {
$indentMap[] = $indent;
if ($token[0] === \T_WHITESPACE) {
$content = $token[1];
$newlinePos = \strrpos($content, "\n");
if (false !== $newlinePos) {
$indent = \strlen($content) - $newlinePos - 1;
// Add a sentinel for one past end of the file
$indentMap[] = $indent;
return $indentMap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
class JsonDecoder
/** @var \ReflectionClass[] Node type to reflection class map */
private $reflectionClassCache;
public function decode(string $json) {
$value = json_decode($json, true);
if (json_last_error()) {
throw new \RuntimeException('JSON decoding error: ' . json_last_error_msg());
return $this->decodeRecursive($value);
private function decodeRecursive($value) {
if (\is_array($value)) {
if (isset($value['nodeType'])) {
if ($value['nodeType'] === 'Comment' || $value['nodeType'] === 'Comment_Doc') {
return $this->decodeComment($value);
return $this->decodeNode($value);
return $this->decodeArray($value);
return $value;
private function decodeArray(array $array) : array {
$decodedArray = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$decodedArray[$key] = $this->decodeRecursive($value);
return $decodedArray;
private function decodeNode(array $value) : Node {
$nodeType = $value['nodeType'];
if (!\is_string($nodeType)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Node type must be a string');
$reflectionClass = $this->reflectionClassFromNodeType($nodeType);
/** @var Node $node */
$node = $reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
if (isset($value['attributes'])) {
if (!\is_array($value['attributes'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Attributes must be an array');
foreach ($value as $name => $subNode) {
if ($name === 'nodeType' || $name === 'attributes') {
$node->$name = $this->decodeRecursive($subNode);
return $node;
private function decodeComment(array $value) : Comment {
$className = $value['nodeType'] === 'Comment' ? Comment::class : Comment\Doc::class;
if (!isset($value['text'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Comment must have text');
return new $className(
$value['line'] ?? -1, $value['filePos'] ?? -1, $value['tokenPos'] ?? -1,
$value['endLine'] ?? -1, $value['endFilePos'] ?? -1, $value['endTokenPos'] ?? -1
private function reflectionClassFromNodeType(string $nodeType) : \ReflectionClass {
if (!isset($this->reflectionClassCache[$nodeType])) {
$className = $this->classNameFromNodeType($nodeType);
$this->reflectionClassCache[$nodeType] = new \ReflectionClass($className);
return $this->reflectionClassCache[$nodeType];
private function classNameFromNodeType(string $nodeType) : string {
$className = 'PhpParser\\Node\\' . strtr($nodeType, '_', '\\');
if (class_exists($className)) {
return $className;
$className .= '_';
if (class_exists($className)) {
return $className;
throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown node type \"$nodeType\"");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2011, Nikita Popov
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Parser\Tokens;
class Lexer
protected $code;
protected $tokens;
protected $pos;
protected $line;
protected $filePos;
protected $prevCloseTagHasNewline;
protected $tokenMap;
protected $dropTokens;
protected $identifierTokens;
private $attributeStartLineUsed;
private $attributeEndLineUsed;
private $attributeStartTokenPosUsed;
private $attributeEndTokenPosUsed;
private $attributeStartFilePosUsed;
private $attributeEndFilePosUsed;
private $attributeCommentsUsed;
* Creates a Lexer.
* @param array $options Options array. Currently only the 'usedAttributes' option is supported,
* which is an array of attributes to add to the AST nodes. Possible
* attributes are: 'comments', 'startLine', 'endLine', 'startTokenPos',
* 'endTokenPos', 'startFilePos', 'endFilePos'. The option defaults to the
* first three. For more info see getNextToken() docs.
public function __construct(array $options = []) {
// Create Map from internal tokens to PhpParser tokens.
$this->tokenMap = $this->createTokenMap();
$this->identifierTokens = $this->createIdentifierTokenMap();
// map of tokens to drop while lexing (the map is only used for isset lookup,
// that's why the value is simply set to 1; the value is never actually used.)
$this->dropTokens = array_fill_keys(
$defaultAttributes = ['comments', 'startLine', 'endLine'];
$usedAttributes = array_fill_keys($options['usedAttributes'] ?? $defaultAttributes, true);
// Create individual boolean properties to make these checks faster.
$this->attributeStartLineUsed = isset($usedAttributes['startLine']);
$this->attributeEndLineUsed = isset($usedAttributes['endLine']);
$this->attributeStartTokenPosUsed = isset($usedAttributes['startTokenPos']);
$this->attributeEndTokenPosUsed = isset($usedAttributes['endTokenPos']);
$this->attributeStartFilePosUsed = isset($usedAttributes['startFilePos']);
$this->attributeEndFilePosUsed = isset($usedAttributes['endFilePos']);
$this->attributeCommentsUsed = isset($usedAttributes['comments']);
* Initializes the lexer for lexing the provided source code.
* This function does not throw if lexing errors occur. Instead, errors may be retrieved using
* the getErrors() method.
* @param string $code The source code to lex
* @param ErrorHandler|null $errorHandler Error handler to use for lexing errors. Defaults to
* ErrorHandler\Throwing
public function startLexing(string $code, ErrorHandler $errorHandler = null) {
if (null === $errorHandler) {
$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler\Throwing();
$this->code = $code; // keep the code around for __halt_compiler() handling
$this->pos = -1;
$this->line = 1;
$this->filePos = 0;
// If inline HTML occurs without preceding code, treat it as if it had a leading newline.
// This ensures proper composability, because having a newline is the "safe" assumption.
$this->prevCloseTagHasNewline = true;
$scream = ini_set('xdebug.scream', '0');
$this->tokens = @token_get_all($code);
if (false !== $scream) {
ini_set('xdebug.scream', $scream);
private function handleInvalidCharacterRange($start, $end, $line, ErrorHandler $errorHandler) {
$tokens = [];
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$chr = $this->code[$i];
if ($chr === "\0") {
// PHP cuts error message after null byte, so need special case
$errorMsg = 'Unexpected null byte';
} else {
$errorMsg = sprintf(
'Unexpected character "%s" (ASCII %d)', $chr, ord($chr)
$tokens[] = [\T_BAD_CHARACTER, $chr, $line];
$errorHandler->handleError(new Error($errorMsg, [
'startLine' => $line,
'endLine' => $line,
'startFilePos' => $i,
'endFilePos' => $i,
return $tokens;
* Check whether comment token is unterminated.
* @return bool
private function isUnterminatedComment($token) : bool {
return ($token[0] === \T_COMMENT || $token[0] === \T_DOC_COMMENT)
&& substr($token[1], 0, 2) === '/*'
&& substr($token[1], -2) !== '*/';
protected function postprocessTokens(ErrorHandler $errorHandler) {
// PHP's error handling for token_get_all() is rather bad, so if we want detailed
// error information we need to compute it ourselves. Invalid character errors are
// detected by finding "gaps" in the token array. Unterminated comments are detected
// by checking if a trailing comment has a "*/" at the end.
// Additionally, we perform a number of canonicalizations here:
// * Use the PHP 8.0 comment format, which does not include trailing whitespace anymore.
// * Use PHP 8.0 T_NAME_* tokens.
// T_AMPERSAND_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG tokens used to disambiguate intersection types.
$filePos = 0;
$line = 1;
$numTokens = \count($this->tokens);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numTokens; $i++) {
$token = $this->tokens[$i];
// Since PHP 7.4 invalid characters are represented by a T_BAD_CHARACTER token.
// In this case we only need to emit an error.
if ($token[0] === \T_BAD_CHARACTER) {
$this->handleInvalidCharacterRange($filePos, $filePos + 1, $line, $errorHandler);
if ($token[0] === \T_COMMENT && substr($token[1], 0, 2) !== '/*'
&& preg_match('/(\r\n|\n|\r)$/D', $token[1], $matches)) {
$trailingNewline = $matches[0];
$token[1] = substr($token[1], 0, -strlen($trailingNewline));
$this->tokens[$i] = $token;
if (isset($this->tokens[$i + 1]) && $this->tokens[$i + 1][0] === \T_WHITESPACE) {
// Move trailing newline into following T_WHITESPACE token, if it already exists.
$this->tokens[$i + 1][1] = $trailingNewline . $this->tokens[$i + 1][1];
$this->tokens[$i + 1][2]--;
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to create a new T_WHITESPACE token.
array_splice($this->tokens, $i + 1, 0, [
[\T_WHITESPACE, $trailingNewline, $line],
// Emulate PHP 8 T_NAME_* tokens, by combining sequences of T_NS_SEPARATOR and T_STRING
// into a single token.
if (\is_array($token)
&& ($token[0] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR || isset($this->identifierTokens[$token[0]]))) {
$lastWasSeparator = $token[0] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR;
$text = $token[1];
for ($j = $i + 1; isset($this->tokens[$j]); $j++) {
if ($lastWasSeparator) {
if (!isset($this->identifierTokens[$this->tokens[$j][0]])) {
$lastWasSeparator = false;
} else {
if ($this->tokens[$j][0] !== \T_NS_SEPARATOR) {
$lastWasSeparator = true;
$text .= $this->tokens[$j][1];
if ($lastWasSeparator) {
// Trailing separator is not part of the name.
$text = substr($text, 0, -1);
if ($j > $i + 1) {
if ($token[0] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR) {
} else if ($token[0] === \T_NAMESPACE) {
} else {
$token = [$type, $text, $line];
array_splice($this->tokens, $i, $j - $i, [$token]);
$numTokens -= $j - $i - 1;
if ($token === '&') {
$next = $i + 1;
while (isset($this->tokens[$next]) && $this->tokens[$next][0] === \T_WHITESPACE) {
$followedByVarOrVarArg = isset($this->tokens[$next]) &&
($this->tokens[$next][0] === \T_VARIABLE || $this->tokens[$next][0] === \T_ELLIPSIS);
$this->tokens[$i] = $token = [
$tokenValue = \is_string($token) ? $token : $token[1];
$tokenLen = \strlen($tokenValue);
if (substr($this->code, $filePos, $tokenLen) !== $tokenValue) {
// Something is missing, must be an invalid character
$nextFilePos = strpos($this->code, $tokenValue, $filePos);
$badCharTokens = $this->handleInvalidCharacterRange(
$filePos, $nextFilePos, $line, $errorHandler);
$filePos = (int) $nextFilePos;
array_splice($this->tokens, $i, 0, $badCharTokens);
$numTokens += \count($badCharTokens);
$i += \count($badCharTokens);
$filePos += $tokenLen;
$line += substr_count($tokenValue, "\n");
if ($filePos !== \strlen($this->code)) {
if (substr($this->code, $filePos, 2) === '/*') {
// Unlike PHP, HHVM will drop unterminated comments entirely
$comment = substr($this->code, $filePos);
$errorHandler->handleError(new Error('Unterminated comment', [
'startLine' => $line,
'endLine' => $line + substr_count($comment, "\n"),
'startFilePos' => $filePos,
'endFilePos' => $filePos + \strlen($comment),
// Emulate the PHP behavior
$isDocComment = isset($comment[3]) && $comment[3] === '*';
$this->tokens[] = [$isDocComment ? \T_DOC_COMMENT : \T_COMMENT, $comment, $line];
} else {
// Invalid characters at the end of the input
$badCharTokens = $this->handleInvalidCharacterRange(
$filePos, \strlen($this->code), $line, $errorHandler);
$this->tokens = array_merge($this->tokens, $badCharTokens);
if (count($this->tokens) > 0) {
// Check for unterminated comment
$lastToken = $this->tokens[count($this->tokens) - 1];
if ($this->isUnterminatedComment($lastToken)) {
$errorHandler->handleError(new Error('Unterminated comment', [
'startLine' => $line - substr_count($lastToken[1], "\n"),
'endLine' => $line,
'startFilePos' => $filePos - \strlen($lastToken[1]),
'endFilePos' => $filePos,
* Fetches the next token.
* The available attributes are determined by the 'usedAttributes' option, which can
* be specified in the constructor. The following attributes are supported:
* * 'comments' => Array of PhpParser\Comment or PhpParser\Comment\Doc instances,
* representing all comments that occurred between the previous
* non-discarded token and the current one.
* * 'startLine' => Line in which the node starts.
* * 'endLine' => Line in which the node ends.
* * 'startTokenPos' => Offset into the token array of the first token in the node.
* * 'endTokenPos' => Offset into the token array of the last token in the node.
* * 'startFilePos' => Offset into the code string of the first character that is part of the node.
* * 'endFilePos' => Offset into the code string of the last character that is part of the node.
* @param mixed $value Variable to store token content in
* @param mixed $startAttributes Variable to store start attributes in
* @param mixed $endAttributes Variable to store end attributes in
* @return int Token id
public function getNextToken(&$value = null, &$startAttributes = null, &$endAttributes = null) : int {
$startAttributes = [];
$endAttributes = [];
while (1) {
if (isset($this->tokens[++$this->pos])) {
$token = $this->tokens[$this->pos];
} else {
// EOF token with ID 0
$token = "\0";
if ($this->attributeStartLineUsed) {
$startAttributes['startLine'] = $this->line;
if ($this->attributeStartTokenPosUsed) {
$startAttributes['startTokenPos'] = $this->pos;
if ($this->attributeStartFilePosUsed) {
$startAttributes['startFilePos'] = $this->filePos;
if (\is_string($token)) {
$value = $token;
if (isset($token[1])) {
// bug in token_get_all
$this->filePos += 2;
$id = ord('"');
} else {
$this->filePos += 1;
$id = ord($token);
} elseif (!isset($this->dropTokens[$token[0]])) {
$value = $token[1];
$id = $this->tokenMap[$token[0]];
if (\T_CLOSE_TAG === $token[0]) {
$this->prevCloseTagHasNewline = false !== strpos($token[1], "\n")
|| false !== strpos($token[1], "\r");
} elseif (\T_INLINE_HTML === $token[0]) {
$startAttributes['hasLeadingNewline'] = $this->prevCloseTagHasNewline;
$this->line += substr_count($value, "\n");
$this->filePos += \strlen($value);
} else {
$origLine = $this->line;
$origFilePos = $this->filePos;
$this->line += substr_count($token[1], "\n");
$this->filePos += \strlen($token[1]);
if (\T_COMMENT === $token[0] || \T_DOC_COMMENT === $token[0]) {
if ($this->attributeCommentsUsed) {
$comment = \T_DOC_COMMENT === $token[0]
? new Comment\Doc($token[1],
$origLine, $origFilePos, $this->pos,
$this->line, $this->filePos - 1, $this->pos)
: new Comment($token[1],
$origLine, $origFilePos, $this->pos,
$this->line, $this->filePos - 1, $this->pos);
$startAttributes['comments'][] = $comment;
if ($this->attributeEndLineUsed) {
$endAttributes['endLine'] = $this->line;
if ($this->attributeEndTokenPosUsed) {
$endAttributes['endTokenPos'] = $this->pos;
if ($this->attributeEndFilePosUsed) {
$endAttributes['endFilePos'] = $this->filePos - 1;
return $id;
throw new \RuntimeException('Reached end of lexer loop');
* Returns the token array for current code.
* The token array is in the same format as provided by the
* token_get_all() function and does not discard tokens (i.e.
* whitespace and comments are included). The token position
* attributes are against this token array.
* @return array Array of tokens in token_get_all() format
public function getTokens() : array {
return $this->tokens;
* Handles __halt_compiler() by returning the text after it.
* @return string Remaining text
public function handleHaltCompiler() : string {
// text after T_HALT_COMPILER, still including ();
$textAfter = substr($this->code, $this->filePos);
// ensure that it is followed by ();
// this simplifies the situation, by not allowing any comments
// in between of the tokens.
if (!preg_match('~^\s*\(\s*\)\s*(?:;|\?>\r?\n?)~', $textAfter, $matches)) {
throw new Error('__HALT_COMPILER must be followed by "();"');
// prevent the lexer from returning any further tokens
$this->pos = count($this->tokens);
// return with (); removed
return substr($textAfter, strlen($matches[0]));
private function defineCompatibilityTokens() {
static $compatTokensDefined = false;
if ($compatTokensDefined) {
$compatTokens = [
// PHP 7.4
// PHP 8.0
// PHP 8.1
// PHP-Parser might be used together with another library that also emulates some or all
// of these tokens. Perform a sanity-check that all already defined tokens have been
// assigned a unique ID.
$usedTokenIds = [];
foreach ($compatTokens as $token) {
if (\defined($token)) {
$tokenId = \constant($token);
$clashingToken = $usedTokenIds[$tokenId] ?? null;
if ($clashingToken !== null) {
throw new \Error(sprintf(
'Token %s has same ID as token %s, ' .
'you may be using a library with broken token emulation',
$token, $clashingToken
$usedTokenIds[$tokenId] = $token;
// Now define any tokens that have not yet been emulated. Try to assign IDs from -1
// downwards, but skip any IDs that may already be in use.
$newTokenId = -1;
foreach ($compatTokens as $token) {
if (!\defined($token)) {
while (isset($usedTokenIds[$newTokenId])) {
\define($token, $newTokenId);
$compatTokensDefined = true;
* Creates the token map.
* The token map maps the PHP internal token identifiers
* to the identifiers used by the Parser. Additionally it
* maps T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO to T_ECHO and T_CLOSE_TAG to ';'.
* @return array The token map
protected function createTokenMap() : array {
$tokenMap = [];
// 256 is the minimum possible token number, as everything below
// it is an ASCII value
for ($i = 256; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
if (\T_DOUBLE_COLON === $i) {
$tokenMap[$i] = Tokens::T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM;
} elseif(\T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO === $i) {
// T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO with dropped T_OPEN_TAG results in T_ECHO
$tokenMap[$i] = Tokens::T_ECHO;
} elseif(\T_CLOSE_TAG === $i) {
// T_CLOSE_TAG is equivalent to ';'
$tokenMap[$i] = ord(';');
} elseif ('UNKNOWN' !== $name = token_name($i)) {
if ('T_HASHBANG' === $name) {
// HHVM uses a special token for #! hashbang lines
$tokenMap[$i] = Tokens::T_INLINE_HTML;
} elseif (defined($name = Tokens::class . '::' . $name)) {
// Other tokens can be mapped directly
$tokenMap[$i] = constant($name);
// HHVM uses a special token for numbers that overflow to double
if (defined('T_ONUMBER')) {
$tokenMap[\T_ONUMBER] = Tokens::T_DNUMBER;
// HHVM also has a separate token for the __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ constant
if (defined('T_COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET')) {
// Assign tokens for which we define compatibility constants, as token_name() does not know them.
$tokenMap[\T_FN] = Tokens::T_FN;
$tokenMap[\T_MATCH] = Tokens::T_MATCH;
$tokenMap[\T_ATTRIBUTE] = Tokens::T_ATTRIBUTE;
$tokenMap[\T_ENUM] = Tokens::T_ENUM;
$tokenMap[\T_READONLY] = Tokens::T_READONLY;
return $tokenMap;
private function createIdentifierTokenMap(): array {
// Based on semi_reserved production.
return array_fill_keys([
], true);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Error;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\ErrorHandler;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\AttributeEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\EnumTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\CoaleseEqualTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\ExplicitOctalEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\FlexibleDocStringEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\FnTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\MatchTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\NullsafeTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\NumericLiteralSeparatorEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\ReadonlyTokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\ReverseEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator\TokenEmulator;
class Emulative extends Lexer
const PHP_7_3 = '7.3dev';
const PHP_7_4 = '7.4dev';
const PHP_8_0 = '8.0dev';
const PHP_8_1 = '8.1dev';
/** @var mixed[] Patches used to reverse changes introduced in the code */
private $patches = [];
/** @var TokenEmulator[] */
private $emulators = [];
/** @var string */
private $targetPhpVersion;
* @param mixed[] $options Lexer options. In addition to the usual options,
* accepts a 'phpVersion' string that specifies the
* version to emulate. Defaults to newest supported.
public function __construct(array $options = [])
$this->targetPhpVersion = $options['phpVersion'] ?? Emulative::PHP_8_1;
$emulators = [
new FlexibleDocStringEmulator(),
new FnTokenEmulator(),
new MatchTokenEmulator(),
new CoaleseEqualTokenEmulator(),
new NumericLiteralSeparatorEmulator(),
new NullsafeTokenEmulator(),
new AttributeEmulator(),
new EnumTokenEmulator(),
new ReadonlyTokenEmulator(),
new ExplicitOctalEmulator(),
// Collect emulators that are relevant for the PHP version we're running
// and the PHP version we're targeting for emulation.
foreach ($emulators as $emulator) {
$emulatorPhpVersion = $emulator->getPhpVersion();
if ($this->isForwardEmulationNeeded($emulatorPhpVersion)) {
$this->emulators[] = $emulator;
} else if ($this->isReverseEmulationNeeded($emulatorPhpVersion)) {
$this->emulators[] = new ReverseEmulator($emulator);
public function startLexing(string $code, ErrorHandler $errorHandler = null) {
$emulators = array_filter($this->emulators, function($emulator) use($code) {
return $emulator->isEmulationNeeded($code);
if (empty($emulators)) {
// Nothing to emulate, yay
parent::startLexing($code, $errorHandler);
$this->patches = [];
foreach ($emulators as $emulator) {
$code = $emulator->preprocessCode($code, $this->patches);
$collector = new ErrorHandler\Collecting();
parent::startLexing($code, $collector);
$errors = $collector->getErrors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
foreach ($errors as $error) {
foreach ($emulators as $emulator) {
$this->tokens = $emulator->emulate($code, $this->tokens);
private function isForwardEmulationNeeded(string $emulatorPhpVersion): bool {
return version_compare(\PHP_VERSION, $emulatorPhpVersion, '<')
&& version_compare($this->targetPhpVersion, $emulatorPhpVersion, '>=');
private function isReverseEmulationNeeded(string $emulatorPhpVersion): bool {
return version_compare(\PHP_VERSION, $emulatorPhpVersion, '>=')
&& version_compare($this->targetPhpVersion, $emulatorPhpVersion, '<');
private function sortPatches()
// Patches may be contributed by different emulators.
// Make sure they are sorted by increasing patch position.
usort($this->patches, function($p1, $p2) {
return $p1[0] <=> $p2[0];
private function fixupTokens()
if (\count($this->patches) === 0) {
// Load first patch
$patchIdx = 0;
list($patchPos, $patchType, $patchText) = $this->patches[$patchIdx];
// We use a manual loop over the tokens, because we modify the array on the fly
$pos = 0;
for ($i = 0, $c = \count($this->tokens); $i < $c; $i++) {
$token = $this->tokens[$i];
if (\is_string($token)) {
if ($patchPos === $pos) {
// Only support replacement for string tokens.
assert($patchType === 'replace');
$this->tokens[$i] = $patchText;
// Fetch the next patch
if ($patchIdx >= \count($this->patches)) {
// No more patches, we're done
list($patchPos, $patchType, $patchText) = $this->patches[$patchIdx];
$pos += \strlen($token);
$len = \strlen($token[1]);
$posDelta = 0;
while ($patchPos >= $pos && $patchPos < $pos + $len) {
$patchTextLen = \strlen($patchText);
if ($patchType === 'remove') {
if ($patchPos === $pos && $patchTextLen === $len) {
// Remove token entirely
array_splice($this->tokens, $i, 1, []);
} else {
// Remove from token string
$this->tokens[$i][1] = substr_replace(
$token[1], '', $patchPos - $pos + $posDelta, $patchTextLen
$posDelta -= $patchTextLen;
} elseif ($patchType === 'add') {
// Insert into the token string
$this->tokens[$i][1] = substr_replace(
$token[1], $patchText, $patchPos - $pos + $posDelta, 0
$posDelta += $patchTextLen;
} else if ($patchType === 'replace') {
// Replace inside the token string
$this->tokens[$i][1] = substr_replace(
$token[1], $patchText, $patchPos - $pos + $posDelta, $patchTextLen
} else {
// Fetch the next patch
if ($patchIdx >= \count($this->patches)) {
// No more patches, we're done
list($patchPos, $patchType, $patchText) = $this->patches[$patchIdx];
// Multiple patches may apply to the same token. Reload the current one to check
// If the new patch applies
$token = $this->tokens[$i];
$pos += $len;
// A patch did not apply
* Fixup line and position information in errors.
* @param Error[] $errors
private function fixupErrors(array $errors) {
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$attrs = $error->getAttributes();
$posDelta = 0;
$lineDelta = 0;
foreach ($this->patches as $patch) {
list($patchPos, $patchType, $patchText) = $patch;
if ($patchPos >= $attrs['startFilePos']) {
// No longer relevant
if ($patchType === 'add') {
$posDelta += strlen($patchText);
$lineDelta += substr_count($patchText, "\n");
} else if ($patchType === 'remove') {
$posDelta -= strlen($patchText);
$lineDelta -= substr_count($patchText, "\n");
$attrs['startFilePos'] += $posDelta;
$attrs['endFilePos'] += $posDelta;
$attrs['startLine'] += $lineDelta;
$attrs['endLine'] += $lineDelta;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class AttributeEmulator extends TokenEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_8_0;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code) : bool
return strpos($code, '#[') !== false;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// We need to manually iterate and manage a count because we'll change
// the tokens array on the way.
$line = 1;
for ($i = 0, $c = count($tokens); $i < $c; ++$i) {
if ($tokens[$i] === '#' && isset($tokens[$i + 1]) && $tokens[$i + 1] === '[') {
array_splice($tokens, $i, 2, [
[\T_ATTRIBUTE, '#[', $line]
if (\is_array($tokens[$i])) {
$line += substr_count($tokens[$i][1], "\n");
return $tokens;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
return $tokens;
public function preprocessCode(string $code, array &$patches): string {
$pos = 0;
while (false !== $pos = strpos($code, '#[', $pos)) {
// Replace #[ with %[
$code[$pos] = '%';
$patches[] = [$pos, 'replace', '#'];
$pos += 2;
return $code;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class CoaleseEqualTokenEmulator extends TokenEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_7_4;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool
return strpos($code, '??=') !== false;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// We need to manually iterate and manage a count because we'll change
// the tokens array on the way
$line = 1;
for ($i = 0, $c = count($tokens); $i < $c; ++$i) {
if (isset($tokens[$i + 1])) {
if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_COALESCE && $tokens[$i + 1] === '=') {
array_splice($tokens, $i, 2, [
[\T_COALESCE_EQUAL, '??=', $line]
if (\is_array($tokens[$i])) {
$line += substr_count($tokens[$i][1], "\n");
return $tokens;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// ??= was not valid code previously, don't bother.
return $tokens;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class EnumTokenEmulator extends KeywordEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_8_1;
public function getKeywordString(): string
return 'enum';
public function getKeywordToken(): int
return \T_ENUM;
protected function isKeywordContext(array $tokens, int $pos): bool
return parent::isKeywordContext($tokens, $pos)
&& isset($tokens[$pos + 2])
&& $tokens[$pos + 1][0] === \T_WHITESPACE
&& $tokens[$pos + 2][0] === \T_STRING;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
class ExplicitOctalEmulator extends TokenEmulator {
public function getPhpVersion(): string {
return Emulative::PHP_8_1;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool {
return strpos($code, '0o') !== false || strpos($code, '0O') !== false;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array {
for ($i = 0, $c = count($tokens); $i < $c; ++$i) {
if ($tokens[$i][0] == \T_LNUMBER && $tokens[$i][1] === '0' &&
isset($tokens[$i + 1]) && $tokens[$i + 1][0] == \T_STRING &&
preg_match('/[oO][0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*/', $tokens[$i + 1][1])
) {
$tokenKind = $this->resolveIntegerOrFloatToken($tokens[$i + 1][1]);
array_splice($tokens, $i, 2, [
[$tokenKind, '0' . $tokens[$i + 1][1], $tokens[$i][2]],
return $tokens;
private function resolveIntegerOrFloatToken(string $str): int
$str = substr($str, 1);
$str = str_replace('_', '', $str);
$num = octdec($str);
return is_float($num) ? \T_DNUMBER : \T_LNUMBER;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array {
// Explicit octals were not legal code previously, don't bother.
return $tokens;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class FlexibleDocStringEmulator extends TokenEmulator
/<<<[ \t]*(['"]?)([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)\1\r?\n
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_7_3;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code) : bool
return strpos($code, '<<<') !== false;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// Handled by preprocessing + fixup.
return $tokens;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// Not supported.
return $tokens;
public function preprocessCode(string $code, array &$patches): string {
if (!preg_match_all(self::FLEXIBLE_DOC_STRING_REGEX, $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
// No heredoc/nowdoc found
return $code;
// Keep track of how much we need to adjust string offsets due to the modifications we
// already made
$posDelta = 0;
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$indentation = $match['indentation'][0];
$indentationStart = $match['indentation'][1];
$separator = $match['separator'][0];
$separatorStart = $match['separator'][1];
if ($indentation === '' && $separator !== '') {
// Ordinary heredoc/nowdoc
if ($indentation !== '') {
// Remove indentation
$indentationLen = strlen($indentation);
$code = substr_replace($code, '', $indentationStart + $posDelta, $indentationLen);
$patches[] = [$indentationStart + $posDelta, 'add', $indentation];
$posDelta -= $indentationLen;
if ($separator === '') {
// Insert newline as separator
$code = substr_replace($code, "\n", $separatorStart + $posDelta, 0);
$patches[] = [$separatorStart + $posDelta, 'remove', "\n"];
$posDelta += 1;
return $code;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class FnTokenEmulator extends KeywordEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_7_4;
public function getKeywordString(): string
return 'fn';
public function getKeywordToken(): int
return \T_FN;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
abstract class KeywordEmulator extends TokenEmulator
abstract function getKeywordString(): string;
abstract function getKeywordToken(): int;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool
return strpos(strtolower($code), $this->getKeywordString()) !== false;
protected function isKeywordContext(array $tokens, int $pos): bool
$previousNonSpaceToken = $this->getPreviousNonSpaceToken($tokens, $pos);
return $previousNonSpaceToken === null || $previousNonSpaceToken[0] !== \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
$keywordString = $this->getKeywordString();
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if ($token[0] === T_STRING && strtolower($token[1]) === $keywordString
&& $this->isKeywordContext($tokens, $i)) {
$tokens[$i][0] = $this->getKeywordToken();
return $tokens;
* @param mixed[] $tokens
* @return array|string|null
private function getPreviousNonSpaceToken(array $tokens, int $start)
for ($i = $start - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_WHITESPACE) {
return $tokens[$i];
return null;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
$keywordToken = $this->getKeywordToken();
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if ($token[0] === $keywordToken) {
$tokens[$i][0] = \T_STRING;
return $tokens;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class MatchTokenEmulator extends KeywordEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_8_0;
public function getKeywordString(): string
return 'match';
public function getKeywordToken(): int
return \T_MATCH;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class NullsafeTokenEmulator extends TokenEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_8_0;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool
return strpos($code, '?->') !== false;
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// We need to manually iterate and manage a count because we'll change
// the tokens array on the way
$line = 1;
for ($i = 0, $c = count($tokens); $i < $c; ++$i) {
if ($tokens[$i] === '?' && isset($tokens[$i + 1]) && $tokens[$i + 1][0] === \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
array_splice($tokens, $i, 2, [
// Handle ?-> inside encapsed string.
if ($tokens[$i][0] === \T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE && isset($tokens[$i - 1])
&& $tokens[$i - 1][0] === \T_VARIABLE
&& preg_match('/^\?->([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)/', $tokens[$i][1], $matches)
) {
$replacement = [
[\T_STRING, $matches[1], $line],
if (\strlen($matches[0]) !== \strlen($tokens[$i][1])) {
$replacement[] = [
\substr($tokens[$i][1], \strlen($matches[0])),
array_splice($tokens, $i, 1, $replacement);
$c += \count($replacement) - 1;
if (\is_array($tokens[$i])) {
$line += substr_count($tokens[$i][1], "\n");
return $tokens;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// ?-> was not valid code previously, don't bother.
return $tokens;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class NumericLiteralSeparatorEmulator extends TokenEmulator
const BIN = '(?:0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*)';
const HEX = '(?:0x[0-9a-f]+(?:_[0-9a-f]+)*)';
const DEC = '(?:[0-9]+(?:_[0-9]+)*)';
const SIMPLE_FLOAT = '(?:' . self::DEC . '\.' . self::DEC . '?|\.' . self::DEC . ')';
const EXP = '(?:e[+-]?' . self::DEC . ')';
const FLOAT = '(?:' . self::SIMPLE_FLOAT . self::EXP . '?|' . self::DEC . self::EXP . ')';
const NUMBER = '~' . self::FLOAT . '|' . self::BIN . '|' . self::HEX . '|' . self::DEC . '~iA';
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_7_4;
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code) : bool
return preg_match('~[0-9]_[0-9]~', $code)
|| preg_match('~0x[0-9a-f]+_[0-9a-f]~i', $code);
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// We need to manually iterate and manage a count because we'll change
// the tokens array on the way
$codeOffset = 0;
for ($i = 0, $c = count($tokens); $i < $c; ++$i) {
$token = $tokens[$i];
$tokenLen = \strlen(\is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token);
if ($token[0] !== T_LNUMBER && $token[0] !== T_DNUMBER) {
$codeOffset += $tokenLen;
$res = preg_match(self::NUMBER, $code, $matches, 0, $codeOffset);
assert($res, "No number at number token position");
$match = $matches[0];
$matchLen = \strlen($match);
if ($matchLen === $tokenLen) {
// Original token already holds the full number.
$codeOffset += $tokenLen;
$tokenKind = $this->resolveIntegerOrFloatToken($match);
$newTokens = [[$tokenKind, $match, $token[2]]];
$numTokens = 1;
$len = $tokenLen;
while ($matchLen > $len) {
$nextToken = $tokens[$i + $numTokens];
$nextTokenText = \is_array($nextToken) ? $nextToken[1] : $nextToken;
$nextTokenLen = \strlen($nextTokenText);
if ($matchLen < $len + $nextTokenLen) {
// Split trailing characters into a partial token.
assert(is_array($nextToken), "Partial token should be an array token");
$partialText = substr($nextTokenText, $matchLen - $len);
$newTokens[] = [$nextToken[0], $partialText, $nextToken[2]];
$len += $nextTokenLen;
array_splice($tokens, $i, $numTokens, $newTokens);
$c -= $numTokens - \count($newTokens);
$codeOffset += $matchLen;
return $tokens;
private function resolveIntegerOrFloatToken(string $str): int
$str = str_replace('_', '', $str);
if (stripos($str, '0b') === 0) {
$num = bindec($str);
} elseif (stripos($str, '0x') === 0) {
$num = hexdec($str);
} elseif (stripos($str, '0') === 0 && ctype_digit($str)) {
$num = octdec($str);
} else {
$num = +$str;
return is_float($num) ? T_DNUMBER : T_LNUMBER;
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array
// Numeric separators were not legal code previously, don't bother.
return $tokens;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;
final class ReadonlyTokenEmulator extends KeywordEmulator
public function getPhpVersion(): string
return Emulative::PHP_8_1;
public function getKeywordString(): string
return 'readonly';
public function getKeywordToken(): int
return \T_READONLY;
protected function isKeywordContext(array $tokens, int $pos): bool
if (!parent::isKeywordContext($tokens, $pos)) {
return false;
// Support "function readonly("
return !(isset($tokens[$pos + 1]) &&
($tokens[$pos + 1][0] === '(' ||
($tokens[$pos + 1][0] === \T_WHITESPACE &&
isset($tokens[$pos + 2]) &&
$tokens[$pos + 2][0] === '(')));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
* Reverses emulation direction of the inner emulator.
final class ReverseEmulator extends TokenEmulator
/** @var TokenEmulator Inner emulator */
private $emulator;
public function __construct(TokenEmulator $emulator) {
$this->emulator = $emulator;
public function getPhpVersion(): string {
return $this->emulator->getPhpVersion();
public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool {
return $this->emulator->isEmulationNeeded($code);
public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array {
return $this->emulator->reverseEmulate($code, $tokens);
public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array {
return $this->emulator->emulate($code, $tokens);
public function preprocessCode(string $code, array &$patches): string {
return $code;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Lexer\TokenEmulator;
/** @internal */
abstract class TokenEmulator
abstract public function getPhpVersion(): string;
abstract public function isEmulationNeeded(string $code): bool;
* @return array Modified Tokens
abstract public function emulate(string $code, array $tokens): array;
* @return array Modified Tokens
abstract public function reverseEmulate(string $code, array $tokens): array;
public function preprocessCode(string $code, array &$patches): string {
return $code;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
class NameContext
/** @var null|Name Current namespace */
protected $namespace;
/** @var Name[][] Map of format [aliasType => [aliasName => originalName]] */
protected $aliases = [];
/** @var Name[][] Same as $aliases but preserving original case */
protected $origAliases = [];
/** @var ErrorHandler Error handler */
protected $errorHandler;
* Create a name context.
* @param ErrorHandler $errorHandler Error handling used to report errors
public function __construct(ErrorHandler $errorHandler) {
$this->errorHandler = $errorHandler;
* Start a new namespace.
* This also resets the alias table.
* @param Name|null $namespace Null is the global namespace
public function startNamespace(Name $namespace = null) {
$this->namespace = $namespace;
$this->origAliases = $this->aliases = [
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL => [],
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION => [],
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT => [],
* Add an alias / import.
* @param Name $name Original name
* @param string $aliasName Aliased name
* @param int $type One of Stmt\Use_::TYPE_*
* @param array $errorAttrs Attributes to use to report an error
public function addAlias(Name $name, string $aliasName, int $type, array $errorAttrs = []) {
// Constant names are case sensitive, everything else case insensitive
if ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
$aliasLookupName = $aliasName;
} else {
$aliasLookupName = strtolower($aliasName);
if (isset($this->aliases[$type][$aliasLookupName])) {
$typeStringMap = [
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL => '',
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION => 'function ',
Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT => 'const ',
$this->errorHandler->handleError(new Error(
'Cannot use %s%s as %s because the name is already in use',
$typeStringMap[$type], $name, $aliasName
$this->aliases[$type][$aliasLookupName] = $name;
$this->origAliases[$type][$aliasName] = $name;
* Get current namespace.
* @return null|Name Namespace (or null if global namespace)
public function getNamespace() {
return $this->namespace;
* Get resolved name.
* @param Name $name Name to resolve
* @param int $type One of Stmt\Use_::TYPE_{FUNCTION|CONSTANT}
* @return null|Name Resolved name, or null if static resolution is not possible
public function getResolvedName(Name $name, int $type) {
// don't resolve special class names
if ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL && $name->isSpecialClassName()) {
if (!$name->isUnqualified()) {
$this->errorHandler->handleError(new Error(
sprintf("'\\%s' is an invalid class name", $name->toString()),
return $name;
// fully qualified names are already resolved
if ($name->isFullyQualified()) {
return $name;
// Try to resolve aliases
if (null !== $resolvedName = $this->resolveAlias($name, $type)) {
return $resolvedName;
if ($type !== Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL && $name->isUnqualified()) {
if (null === $this->namespace) {
// outside of a namespace unaliased unqualified is same as fully qualified
return new FullyQualified($name, $name->getAttributes());
// Cannot resolve statically
return null;
// if no alias exists prepend current namespace
return FullyQualified::concat($this->namespace, $name, $name->getAttributes());
* Get resolved class name.
* @param Name $name Class ame to resolve
* @return Name Resolved name
public function getResolvedClassName(Name $name) : Name {
return $this->getResolvedName($name, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL);
* Get possible ways of writing a fully qualified name (e.g., by making use of aliases).
* @param string $name Fully-qualified name (without leading namespace separator)
* @param int $type One of Stmt\Use_::TYPE_*
* @return Name[] Possible representations of the name
public function getPossibleNames(string $name, int $type) : array {
$lcName = strtolower($name);
if ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL) {
// self, parent and static must always be unqualified
if ($lcName === "self" || $lcName === "parent" || $lcName === "static") {
return [new Name($name)];
// Collect possible ways to write this name, starting with the fully-qualified name
$possibleNames = [new FullyQualified($name)];
if (null !== $nsRelativeName = $this->getNamespaceRelativeName($name, $lcName, $type)) {
// Make sure there is no alias that makes the normally namespace-relative name
// into something else
if (null === $this->resolveAlias($nsRelativeName, $type)) {
$possibleNames[] = $nsRelativeName;
// Check for relevant namespace use statements
foreach ($this->origAliases[Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL] as $alias => $orig) {
$lcOrig = $orig->toLowerString();
if (0 === strpos($lcName, $lcOrig . '\\')) {
$possibleNames[] = new Name($alias . substr($name, strlen($lcOrig)));
// Check for relevant type-specific use statements
foreach ($this->origAliases[$type] as $alias => $orig) {
if ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
// Constants are are complicated-sensitive
$normalizedOrig = $this->normalizeConstName($orig->toString());
if ($normalizedOrig === $this->normalizeConstName($name)) {
$possibleNames[] = new Name($alias);
} else {
// Everything else is case-insensitive
if ($orig->toLowerString() === $lcName) {
$possibleNames[] = new Name($alias);
return $possibleNames;
* Get shortest representation of this fully-qualified name.
* @param string $name Fully-qualified name (without leading namespace separator)
* @param int $type One of Stmt\Use_::TYPE_*
* @return Name Shortest representation
public function getShortName(string $name, int $type) : Name {
$possibleNames = $this->getPossibleNames($name, $type);
// Find shortest name
$shortestName = null;
$shortestLength = \INF;
foreach ($possibleNames as $possibleName) {
$length = strlen($possibleName->toCodeString());
if ($length < $shortestLength) {
$shortestName = $possibleName;
$shortestLength = $length;
return $shortestName;
private function resolveAlias(Name $name, $type) {
$firstPart = $name->getFirst();
if ($name->isQualified()) {
// resolve aliases for qualified names, always against class alias table
$checkName = strtolower($firstPart);
if (isset($this->aliases[Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL][$checkName])) {
$alias = $this->aliases[Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL][$checkName];
return FullyQualified::concat($alias, $name->slice(1), $name->getAttributes());
} elseif ($name->isUnqualified()) {
// constant aliases are case-sensitive, function aliases case-insensitive
$checkName = $type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT ? $firstPart : strtolower($firstPart);
if (isset($this->aliases[$type][$checkName])) {
// resolve unqualified aliases
return new FullyQualified($this->aliases[$type][$checkName], $name->getAttributes());
// No applicable aliases
return null;
private function getNamespaceRelativeName(string $name, string $lcName, int $type) {
if (null === $this->namespace) {
return new Name($name);
if ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
// The constants true/false/null always resolve to the global symbols, even inside a
// namespace, so they may be used without qualification
if ($lcName === "true" || $lcName === "false" || $lcName === "null") {
return new Name($name);
$namespacePrefix = strtolower($this->namespace . '\\');
if (0 === strpos($lcName, $namespacePrefix)) {
return new Name(substr($name, strlen($namespacePrefix)));
return null;
private function normalizeConstName(string $name) {
$nsSep = strrpos($name, '\\');
if (false === $nsSep) {
return $name;
// Constants have case-insensitive namespace and case-sensitive short-name
$ns = substr($name, 0, $nsSep);
$shortName = substr($name, $nsSep + 1);
return strtolower($ns) . '\\' . $shortName;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser;
interface Node
* Gets the type of the node.
* @return string Type of the node
public function getType() : string;
* Gets the names of the sub nodes.
* @return array Names of sub nodes
public function getSubNodeNames() : array;
* Gets line the node started in (alias of getStartLine).
* @return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
public function getLine() : int;
* Gets line the node started in.
* Requires the 'startLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default).
* @return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartLine() : int;
* Gets the line the node ended in.
* Requires the 'endLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default).
* @return int End line (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndLine() : int;
* Gets the token offset of the first token that is part of this node.
* The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
* Requires the 'startTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
* @return int Token start position (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartTokenPos() : int;
* Gets the token offset of the last token that is part of this node.
* The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
* Requires the 'endTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
* @return int Token end position (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndTokenPos() : int;
* Gets the file offset of the first character that is part of this node.
* Requires the 'startFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
* @return int File start position (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartFilePos() : int;
* Gets the file offset of the last character that is part of this node.
* Requires the 'endFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
* @return int File end position (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndFilePos() : int;
* Gets all comments directly preceding this node.
* The comments are also available through the "comments" attribute.
* @return Comment[]
public function getComments() : array;
* Gets the doc comment of the node.
* @return null|Comment\Doc Doc comment object or null
public function getDocComment();
* Sets the doc comment of the node.
* This will either replace an existing doc comment or add it to the comments array.
* @param Comment\Doc $docComment Doc comment to set
public function setDocComment(Comment\Doc $docComment);
* Sets an attribute on a node.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
public function setAttribute(string $key, $value);
* Returns whether an attribute exists.
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function hasAttribute(string $key) : bool;
* Returns the value of an attribute.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function getAttribute(string $key, $default = null);
* Returns all the attributes of this node.
* @return array
public function getAttributes() : array;
* Replaces all the attributes of this node.
* @param array $attributes
public function setAttributes(array $attributes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\VariadicPlaceholder;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
class Arg extends NodeAbstract
/** @var Identifier|null Parameter name (for named parameters) */
public $name;
/** @var Expr Value to pass */
public $value;
/** @var bool Whether to pass by ref */
public $byRef;
/** @var bool Whether to unpack the argument */
public $unpack;
* Constructs a function call argument node.
* @param Expr $value Value to pass
* @param bool $byRef Whether to pass by ref
* @param bool $unpack Whether to unpack the argument
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
* @param Identifier|null $name Parameter name (for named parameters)
public function __construct(
Expr $value, bool $byRef = false, bool $unpack = false, array $attributes = [],
Identifier $name = null
) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->byRef = $byRef;
$this->unpack = $unpack;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['name', 'value', 'byRef', 'unpack'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Arg';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
class Attribute extends NodeAbstract
/** @var Name Attribute name */
public $name;
/** @var Arg[] Attribute arguments */
public $args;
* @param Node\Name $name Attribute name
* @param Arg[] $args Attribute arguments
* @param array $attributes Additional node attributes
public function __construct(Name $name, array $args = [], array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->name = $name;
$this->args = $args;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['name', 'args'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Attribute';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
class AttributeGroup extends NodeAbstract
/** @var Attribute[] Attributes */
public $attrs;
* @param Attribute[] $attrs PHP attributes
* @param array $attributes Additional node attributes
public function __construct(array $attrs, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->attrs = $attrs;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['attrs'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'AttributeGroup';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
* This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
* It does not provide any shared behavior and exists only for type-checking purposes.
abstract class ComplexType extends NodeAbstract

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
class Const_ extends NodeAbstract
/** @var Identifier Name */
public $name;
/** @var Expr Value */
public $value;
/** @var Name|null Namespaced name (if using NameResolver) */
public $namespacedName;
* Constructs a const node for use in class const and const statements.
* @param string|Identifier $name Name
* @param Expr $value Value
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct($name, Expr $value, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->name = \is_string($name) ? new Identifier($name) : $name;
$this->value = $value;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['name', 'value'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Const';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\NodeAbstract;
abstract class Expr extends NodeAbstract

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
class ArrayDimFetch extends Expr
/** @var Expr Variable */
public $var;
/** @var null|Expr Array index / dim */
public $dim;
* Constructs an array index fetch node.
* @param Expr $var Variable
* @param null|Expr $dim Array index / dim
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $var, Expr $dim = null, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->var = $var;
$this->dim = $dim;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['var', 'dim'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_ArrayDimFetch';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
class ArrayItem extends Expr
/** @var null|Expr Key */
public $key;
/** @var Expr Value */
public $value;
/** @var bool Whether to assign by reference */
public $byRef;
/** @var bool Whether to unpack the argument */
public $unpack;
* Constructs an array item node.
* @param Expr $value Value
* @param null|Expr $key Key
* @param bool $byRef Whether to assign by reference
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $value, Expr $key = null, bool $byRef = false, array $attributes = [], bool $unpack = false) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->key = $key;
$this->value = $value;
$this->byRef = $byRef;
$this->unpack = $unpack;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['key', 'value', 'byRef', 'unpack'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_ArrayItem';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
class Array_ extends Expr
// For use in "kind" attribute
const KIND_LONG = 1; // array() syntax
const KIND_SHORT = 2; // [] syntax
/** @var (ArrayItem|null)[] Items */
public $items;
* Constructs an array node.
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $items Items of the array
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(array $items = [], array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->items = $items;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['items'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_Array';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\FunctionLike;
class ArrowFunction extends Expr implements FunctionLike
/** @var bool */
public $static;
/** @var bool */
public $byRef;
/** @var Node\Param[] */
public $params = [];
/** @var null|Node\Identifier|Node\Name|Node\ComplexType */
public $returnType;
/** @var Expr */
public $expr;
/** @var Node\AttributeGroup[] */
public $attrGroups;
* @param array $subNodes Array of the following optional subnodes:
* 'static' => false : Whether the closure is static
* 'byRef' => false : Whether to return by reference
* 'params' => array() : Parameters
* 'returnType' => null : Return type
* 'expr' => Expr : Expression body
* 'attrGroups' => array() : PHP attribute groups
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(array $subNodes = [], array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->static = $subNodes['static'] ?? false;
$this->byRef = $subNodes['byRef'] ?? false;
$this->params = $subNodes['params'] ?? [];
$returnType = $subNodes['returnType'] ?? null;
$this->returnType = \is_string($returnType) ? new Node\Identifier($returnType) : $returnType;
$this->expr = $subNodes['expr'];
$this->attrGroups = $subNodes['attrGroups'] ?? [];
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['attrGroups', 'static', 'byRef', 'params', 'returnType', 'expr'];
public function returnsByRef() : bool {
return $this->byRef;
public function getParams() : array {
return $this->params;
public function getReturnType() {
return $this->returnType;
public function getAttrGroups() : array {
return $this->attrGroups;
* @return Node\Stmt\Return_[]
public function getStmts() : array {
return [new Node\Stmt\Return_($this->expr)];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_ArrowFunction';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
class Assign extends Expr
/** @var Expr Variable */
public $var;
/** @var Expr Expression */
public $expr;
* Constructs an assignment node.
* @param Expr $var Variable
* @param Expr $expr Expression
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $var, Expr $expr, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->var = $var;
$this->expr = $expr;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['var', 'expr'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_Assign';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
abstract class AssignOp extends Expr
/** @var Expr Variable */
public $var;
/** @var Expr Expression */
public $expr;
* Constructs a compound assignment operation node.
* @param Expr $var Variable
* @param Expr $expr Expression
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $var, Expr $expr, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->var = $var;
$this->expr = $expr;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['var', 'expr'];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class BitwiseAnd extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseAnd';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class BitwiseOr extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseOr';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class BitwiseXor extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseXor';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Coalesce extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Coalesce';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Concat extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Concat';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Div extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Div';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Minus extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Minus';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Mod extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Mod';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Mul extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Mul';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Plus extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Plus';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class Pow extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_Pow';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class ShiftLeft extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_ShiftLeft';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp;
class ShiftRight extends AssignOp
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignOp_ShiftRight';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
class AssignRef extends Expr
/** @var Expr Variable reference is assigned to */
public $var;
/** @var Expr Variable which is referenced */
public $expr;
* Constructs an assignment node.
* @param Expr $var Variable
* @param Expr $expr Expression
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $var, Expr $expr, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->var = $var;
$this->expr = $expr;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['var', 'expr'];
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_AssignRef';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr;
abstract class BinaryOp extends Expr
/** @var Expr The left hand side expression */
public $left;
/** @var Expr The right hand side expression */
public $right;
* Constructs a binary operator node.
* @param Expr $left The left hand side expression
* @param Expr $right The right hand side expression
* @param array $attributes Additional attributes
public function __construct(Expr $left, Expr $right, array $attributes = []) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->left = $left;
$this->right = $right;
public function getSubNodeNames() : array {
return ['left', 'right'];
* Get the operator sigil for this binary operation.
* In the case there are multiple possible sigils for an operator, this method does not
* necessarily return the one used in the parsed code.
* @return string
abstract public function getOperatorSigil() : string;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class BitwiseAnd extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '&';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class BitwiseOr extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '|';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class BitwiseXor extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '^';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class BooleanAnd extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '&&';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanAnd';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class BooleanOr extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '||';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanOr';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Coalesce extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '??';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Coalesce';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Concat extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '.';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Concat';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Div extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '/';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Div';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Equal extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '==';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Equal';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Greater extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '>';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Greater';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class GreaterOrEqual extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '>=';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Identical extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '===';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Identical';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class LogicalAnd extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return 'and';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class LogicalOr extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return 'or';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class LogicalXor extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return 'xor';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Minus extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '-';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Minus';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Mod extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '%';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mod';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class Mul extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '*';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mul';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
use ncc\ThirdParty\nikic\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp;
class NotEqual extends BinaryOp
public function getOperatorSigil() : string {
return '!=';
public function getType() : string {
return 'Expr_BinaryOp_NotEqual';

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more