- Various bug fixes and improved performance on package reading/writing
- Corrected CHANGELOG.md
- Updated dependency `Symfony/polyfill-mbstring` to 1.28.0
- Updated dependency `Symfony/polyfill-uuid` to 1.28.0
- Updated dependency `Symfony/Process` to 6.3.4
- Updated dependency `Symfony/Uid` to 6.3.0
- Updated dependency `Symfony/Yaml` to 6.3.3
- Added support for Gitea repositories
- Added support for Packagist repositories
- Added a new default Gitea repository nocturn9x at git.nocturn9x.space
- Added a new default Gitea repository martinvlba at git.martinvlba.eu
- Added a new default Gitea repository kuny at git.it-kuny.ch
- Added dependency composer/semver version 3.4.0 for composer version comparison compatibility
- Added a new class \ncc\Classes\ArchiveExtractor to extract multiple archive types
- Refactored \ncc\Objects\RemoteRepository
- Refactored the repository system
- Refactored Github's repository interface
- Refactored Gitlab's repository interface
- Refactored SourcesMenu in the CLI to use the new repository system
- Updated dependency nikic/php-parser to version 4.17.1
- Added a simple security measure in \ncc\Objects\Value\Entry to delay returns randomly when the password is incorrect
- Refactored the CLI menu system to use a return exit code system
- Updated the installer to remove unused components and installation steps
- Updated dependency Symfony/Filesystem to 6.3.1
- Updated dependency Symfony/polyfill-ctype to 1.28.0
- Enforced credential storage security by applying 600 permissions to the storage file so that only the owner can read/write to the file; this will require root access to perform any operations on the credential file. A password will still be needed to decrypt entries in the file if any entries are encrypted.
- Removed \ncc\Classes\NccExtension\Runner in favor of the new Execution Unit system
- Removed \ncc\Managers\ExecutionPointerManager in favor of the new Execution Unit system
Added third-party dependency theseer\DirectoryScanner
Added warning if one or more components failed to load
Added more error-handling to autoload.php
Updated autoload.php
Updated .gitignore
Updated Makefile
Fixed namepsaces and added requirement theseer\DirectoryScanner for theseer\Autoload
Updated version.json