`$source` and `$version`
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Dependency > fromArray()` Throws an `ConfigurationException` if the property
`name` is missing in the dependency configuration
- Also updated a bunch of objects in a similar fashion to the ones above, (BuildConfiguration, Execute, ExitHandle,
ExitHandler, Repository, Assembly, Build, Dependency, ExecutionPolicy, Installer, Project, UpdateSource) I'm not
going to list them all here, but you can find them in the commit history.
- Added a new interface class `ValidatableObjectInterface` to implement validatable objects, this method will throw a
`ConfigurationException` if the object is not valid or a `NotSupportedException` if the object contains methods that
are not supported by the current version of ncc or project.
maximum supported compiler version for the selected extension
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Compiler > fromArray()` throws an ConfigurationException if the property `extension` is null
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Compiler > fromArray()` throws an NotSupportedException if the `extension` uses an
unsupported compiler extension
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Compiler > validate()` No longer accepts `$throw_exception` and throws an
`ConfigurationException` or `NotSupportedException` if the validation fails, otherwise it returns `True`.
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Project > fromArray()` Throws an `ConfigurationException` if the property `compiler`
is missing in the project configuration
- `\ncc\Objects > ProjectConfiguration > fromArray()` Throws an `ConfigurationException` if the property 'project' is
missing in the root configuration
- `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Project > __construct()` now requires the parameter `$compiler`
- Removed parameter `$throw_exception` from `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Project > validate()`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects > InstallationPaths`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > NccVersionInformation` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > Package` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > PackageLock` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ProjectConfiguration` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ProjectDetectionResults` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > RemotePackageInput` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > RepositoryQueryResults` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > Vault` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Removed unused `\ncc\Objects > NccUpdateInformation`
- Removed unused `\ncc\Objects > PhpConfiguration`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ComposerJson` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ComposerLock` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > DefinedRemoteSource` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > HttpRequest` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > HttpResponse` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Fixed hash comparisons to use `hash_equals` implementations to combat against Timing Attacks
extends this interface to allow for serialization of compiled assets
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Author` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Autoloader` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Funding` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > NamespacePointer` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > PackageLink` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Suggestion` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Support` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ExecutionPointers > ExecutionPointer` to use method calls rather than direct property
access and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\NccVersionInformation > Component` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Component` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > ExecutionUnit` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Header` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Installer` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > MagicBytes` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Resource` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > DependencyEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > PackageEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > VersionEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > Execute` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Changed all uppercase occurrences of `NCC` to `ncc` in the entire project
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Base64`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Console`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > ExitHandle` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > ExitHandlers` to use method calls rather than
direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\UpdateSource > Repository` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Assembly` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Build` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Compiler` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > ExecutionPolicy` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Installer` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Fixed all @throw tags in the project to use the correct exception class
- Removed unused `scope` property from `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Build`
- Removed unused exception `UnitsNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `NoAvailableUnitsException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `OperationException`
- Removed unused exception `InstallationException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `OperationException`
- Removed all unused exceptions from the project, reduced the number of exceptions in total.
- Removed unused exception `ConstantReadonlyException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `IntegrityException` & `\InvalidArgumentException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidConstantName` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `ComponentDecodeException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `ResourceChecksumException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `AutoloadGeneratorException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `SymlinkException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageLockException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `HttpException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `NetworkException`
- Removed unused exception `ComposerDisabledException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `ComposerNotAvailable` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `InternalComposerNotAvailable` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `PackagePreperationFailedException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageParsingException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `MissingDependencyException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `PackageAlreadyInstalledException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageFetchException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidPropertyValue` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidVersionConfiguration` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidDependencyConfiguraiton` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `ProjectConfigurationNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `UndefinedExecutionPolicyExpection` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidExecutionPolicyName` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectConfigurationException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidScopeException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `InvalidArgumentException` (standard php)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidCredentialsEntryException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `ComponentNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidPackageNameException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidVersionNumberException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectNameException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `BuildConfigurationNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `GitCheckoutException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
- Removed unused exception `GithubServiceException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > cloneRepository()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCloneException`
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > checkout()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCheckoutException`
- Added new exception `GitException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` to replace all git related exceptions
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc > ncc`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\CLI > Main`
- Removed unused exception `FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\CLI > HelpMenu`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ProjectManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\NccVersionInformation > Component`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\Package > Component`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ConfigurationManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > CredentialManager`
- Refactored `\ncc\Utilities > PathFinder` to remove all Win32 references
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects > ExecutionPointers`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ExecutionPointerManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Functions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > PackageManager`
- Removed `FileNotFoundException` and `DirectoryNotFoundException` from `\ncc\Exceptions`
- Removed the use of `InvalidScopeException` across the project
- Removed references of Win32 from the project as Windows is not going supported
- Added new exception `PathNotFoundException` and implemented it in replacement for `DirectoryNotFoundException` and
`FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `src/installer/hash_check.php`
- Renamed `Abstracts` namespace to `Enums`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > BuildConfigurationValues`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InitializeProjectOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InstallPackageOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > AssemblyConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > BuildConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > DateTimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > InstallConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > RuntimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > AuthenticationType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionDefaultVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionSupportedVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentDataType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentFileExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerPackageTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerStabilityTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > EncoderType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ExceptionCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpRequestType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpStatusCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > LogLevel`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > NccBuildFlags`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStandardVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStructureVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ProjectType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RegexPattern`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RemoteSourceType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Runners`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Scopes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Versions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > NccExtension > ConstantCompiler`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GitlabExtension > GitlabService`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GithubExtension > GithubService`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > BuildConfigurationValues`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InitializeProjectOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InstallPackageOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > AssemblyConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > BuildConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > DateTimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > InstallConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > RuntimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > AuthenticationType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionDefaultVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionSupportedVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentDataType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentFileExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerPackageTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerStabilityTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > EncoderType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ExceptionCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpRequestType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpStatusCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > LogLevel`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > NccBuildFlags`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStandardVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStructureVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ProjectType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RegexPattern`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RemoteSourceType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Runners`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Scopes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Versions`