- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects > InstallationPaths`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > NccVersionInformation` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > Package` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > PackageLock` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ProjectConfiguration` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ProjectDetectionResults` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > RemotePackageInput` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > RepositoryQueryResults` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > Vault` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Removed unused `\ncc\Objects > NccUpdateInformation`
- Removed unused `\ncc\Objects > PhpConfiguration`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ComposerJson` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > ComposerLock` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > DefinedRemoteSource` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > HttpRequest` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects > HttpResponse` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Fixed hash comparisons to use `hash_equals` implementations to combat against Timing Attacks
extends this interface to allow for serialization of compiled assets
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Author` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Autoloader` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Funding` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > NamespacePointer` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > PackageLink` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Suggestion` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ComposerJson > Support` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ExecutionPointers > ExecutionPointer` to use method calls rather than direct property
access and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\NccVersionInformation > Component` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `SerializableObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Component` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > ExecutionUnit` to use method calls rather than direct property access and
implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Header` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Installer` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > MagicBytes` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\Package > Resource` to use method calls rather than direct property access and implemented
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > DependencyEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > PackageEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\PackageLock > VersionEntry` to use method calls rather than direct property access
and implemented `BytecodeObjectInterface`
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > Execute` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Changed all uppercase occurrences of `NCC` to `ncc` in the entire project
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Base64`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Console`
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > ExitHandle` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\ExecutionPolicy > ExitHandlers` to use method calls rather than
direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration\UpdateSource > Repository` to use method calls rather than direct
property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Assembly` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Build` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Compiler` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > ExecutionPolicy` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Updated class `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Installer` to use method calls rather than direct property access
- Fixed all @throw tags in the project to use the correct exception class
- Removed unused `scope` property from `\ncc\Objects\ProjectConfiguration > Build`
- Removed unused exception `UnitsNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `NoAvailableUnitsException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `OperationException`
- Removed unused exception `InstallationException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `OperationException`
- Removed all unused exceptions from the project, reduced the number of exceptions in total.
- Removed unused exception `ConstantReadonlyException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `IntegrityException` & `\InvalidArgumentException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidConstantName` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `ComponentDecodeException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `ResourceChecksumException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IntegrityException`
- Removed unused exception `AutoloadGeneratorException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `SymlinkException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageLockException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor for `IOException`
- Removed unused exception `HttpException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `NetworkException`
- Removed unused exception `ComposerDisabledException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `ComposerNotAvailable` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `InternalComposerNotAvailable` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ComposerException`
- Removed unused exception `PackagePreperationFailedException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageParsingException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `MissingDependencyException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `PackageAlreadyInstalledException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `PackageFetchException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `PackageException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidPropertyValue` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidVersionConfiguration` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidDependencyConfiguraiton` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `ProjectConfigurationNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `UndefinedExecutionPolicyExpection` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidExecutionPolicyName` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectConfigurationException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidScopeException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `InvalidArgumentException` (standard php)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidCredentialsEntryException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `ComponentNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidPackageNameException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidVersionNumberException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` (not used)
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `InvalidProjectNameException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `BuildConfigurationNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `ConfigurationException`
- Removed unused exception `GitCheckoutException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
- Removed unused exception `GithubServiceException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > cloneRepository()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCloneException`
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > checkout()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCheckoutException`
- Added new exception `GitException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` to replace all git related exceptions
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc > ncc`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\CLI > Main`
- Removed unused exception `FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\CLI > HelpMenu`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ProjectManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\NccVersionInformation > Component`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\Package > Component`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ConfigurationManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > CredentialManager`
- Refactored `\ncc\Utilities > PathFinder` to remove all Win32 references
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects > ExecutionPointers`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ExecutionPointerManager`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Functions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > PackageManager`
- Removed `FileNotFoundException` and `DirectoryNotFoundException` from `\ncc\Exceptions`
- Removed the use of `InvalidScopeException` across the project
- Removed references of Win32 from the project as Windows is not going supported
- Added new exception `PathNotFoundException` and implemented it in replacement for `DirectoryNotFoundException` and
`FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `src/installer/hash_check.php`
- Renamed `Abstracts` namespace to `Enums`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > BuildConfigurationValues`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InitializeProjectOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InstallPackageOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > AssemblyConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > BuildConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > DateTimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > InstallConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > RuntimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > AuthenticationType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionDefaultVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionSupportedVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentDataType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentFileExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerPackageTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerStabilityTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > EncoderType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ExceptionCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpRequestType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpStatusCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > LogLevel`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > NccBuildFlags`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStandardVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStructureVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ProjectType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RegexPattern`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RemoteSourceType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Runners`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Scopes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Versions`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > NccExtension > ConstantCompiler`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GitlabExtension > GitlabService`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GithubExtension > GithubService`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > BuildConfigurationValues`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InitializeProjectOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InstallPackageOptions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > AssemblyConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > BuildConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > DateTimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > InstallConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > RuntimeConstants`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > AuthenticationType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionDefaultVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionSupportedVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentDataType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentFileExtensions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerPackageTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerStabilityTypes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > EncoderType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ExceptionCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpRequestType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpStatusCodes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > LogLevel`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > NccBuildFlags`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStandardVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStructureVersions`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ProjectType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RegexPattern`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RemoteSourceType`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Runners`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Scopes`
- Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Versions`