Can't install a package if one of its dependencies is already installed #46

opened 2023-03-08 08:16:22 +00:00 by badPointer · 2 comments
badPointer commented 2023-03-08 08:16:22 +00:00 (Migrated from

For example, when installing netkas/markinphant, the package attempts to install LogLib. If LogLib was already installed on the system (even the correct version!), the following happens:

Package installation details

  UUID: b2461c08-b16a-11ed-b265-9bb1316a9b6e
  Package: com.netkas.markinphant
  Name: Markinphant Telegram Bot
  Version: 1.0.0
  Description: Markinphant Telegram Bot learns to chat from your group chat.
  Copyright: © 2023 Netkas

Extension: php
Maximum Version: 8.2
Minimum Version: 8.0
Do you want to install com.netkas.markinphant (Y/N): y
Downloading file
[ ===========================>            ] 72%  14787/20408 remaining:  2 sec.  elapsed: 5 sec.  Extracting archive /var/ncc/cache/z0S26qK7XTqre8G7/
Building net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1
Compiling components
[ ======================================= ] 100%  13/13 remaining:  0 sec.  elapsed: 5 sec.  

Error: Installation Failed

===== Exception Details =====
/etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:593 Error: Cannot install package from source, The package net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1 is already installed
Exception: ncc\Exceptions\InstallationException
Error code: -1730
Stack Trace:
 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:667
 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:197
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:504
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:56
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Main.php:159
 - /etc/ncc/ncc:26
/etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:167 Error: The package net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1 is already installed
Exception: ncc\Exceptions\PackageAlreadyInstalledException
Error code: -1744
Stack Trace:
 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:589
 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:667
 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:197
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:504
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:56
 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Main.php:159
For example, when installing `netkas/markinphant`, the package attempts to install LogLib. If LogLib was already installed on the system (even the correct version!), the following happens: ``` Package installation details UUID: b2461c08-b16a-11ed-b265-9bb1316a9b6e Package: com.netkas.markinphant Name: Markinphant Telegram Bot Version: 1.0.0 Description: Markinphant Telegram Bot learns to chat from your group chat. Copyright: © 2023 Netkas Extension: php Maximum Version: 8.2 Minimum Version: 8.0 Do you want to install com.netkas.markinphant (Y/N): y Downloading file [ ===========================> ] 72% 14787/20408 remaining: 2 sec. elapsed: 5 sec. Extracting archive /var/ncc/cache/z0S26qK7XTqre8G7/ Building net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1 Compiling components [ ======================================= ] 100% 13/13 remaining: 0 sec. elapsed: 5 sec. Error: Installation Failed ===== Exception Details ===== /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:593 Error: Cannot install package from source, The package net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1 is already installed Exception: ncc\Exceptions\InstallationException Error code: -1730 Stack Trace: - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:667 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:197 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:504 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:56 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Main.php:159 - /etc/ncc/ncc:26 /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:167 Error: The package net.nosial.loglib=1.0.1 is already installed Exception: ncc\Exceptions\PackageAlreadyInstalledException Error code: -1744 Stack Trace: - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:589 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:667 - /etc/ncc/Managers/PackageManager.php:197 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:504 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Management/PackageManagerMenu.php:56 - /etc/ncc/CLI/Main.php:159 ```
badPointer commented 2023-03-08 08:16:23 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @netkas

assigned to @netkas
badPointer commented 2023-03-08 08:17:01 +00:00 (Migrated from

Current workaround: ncc package uninstall-all, try again.

Current workaround: `ncc package uninstall-all`, try again.
netkas (Migrated from closed this issue 2023-10-10 23:48:45 +00:00
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