Netkas 00dcc7e004
- Removed unused exception GitCloneException in \ncc\Exceptions in favor of GitException
- Removed unused exception `GitCheckoutException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
 - Removed unused exception `GithubServiceException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` in favor of `GitException`
 - Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > cloneRepository()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCloneException`
 - Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > checkout()` to throw `GitException` instead of `GitCheckoutException`
 - Added new exception `GitException` in `\ncc\Exceptions` to replace all git related exceptions
2023-08-19 12:52:55 -04:00
exceptions_plan.txt - Removed unused exception GitCloneException in \ncc\Exceptions in favor of GitException 2023-08-19 12:52:55 -04:00