Netkas 0820cd3c32
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in \ncc\Utilities > IO
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc > ncc`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\CLI > Main`
 - Removed unused exception `FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\CLI > HelpMenu`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ProjectManager`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\NccVersionInformation > Component`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects\Package > Component`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ConfigurationManager`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > CredentialManager`
 - Refactored `\ncc\Utilities > PathFinder` to remove all Win32 references
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Objects > ExecutionPointers`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > ExecutionPointerManager`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Utilities > Functions`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Managers > PackageManager`
 - Removed `FileNotFoundException` and `DirectoryNotFoundException` from `\ncc\Exceptions`
 - Removed the use of `InvalidScopeException` across the project
 - Removed references of Win32 from the project as Windows is not going supported
 - Added new exception `PathNotFoundException` and implemented it in replacement for `DirectoryNotFoundException` and
   `FileNotFoundException` in `\ncc\Exceptions`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `src/installer/hash_check.php`
 - Renamed `Abstracts` namespace to `Enums`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > BuildConfigurationValues`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InitializeProjectOptions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\Options > InstallPackageOptions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > AssemblyConstants`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > BuildConstants`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > DateTimeConstants`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > InstallConstants`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums\SpecialConstants > RuntimeConstants`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > AuthenticationType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionDefaultVersions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > CompilerExtensionSupportedVersions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentDataType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComponentFileExtensions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerPackageTypes`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ComposerStabilityTypes`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > EncoderType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ExceptionCodes`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpRequestType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > HttpStatusCodes`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > LogLevel`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > NccBuildFlags`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStandardVersions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > PackageStructureVersions`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > ProjectType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RegexPattern`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > RemoteSourceType`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Runners`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Scopes`
 - Updated class type to "final class" in `\ncc\Enums > Versions`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > NccExtension > ConstantCompiler`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GitlabExtension > GitlabService`
 - Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GithubExtension > GithubService`
2023-08-19 02:42:22 -04:00

157 lines
7.3 KiB

<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
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<option value="\Codeception\Util\Debug::debug" />
<option value="\Codeception\Util\Debug::pause" />
<option value="\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump" />
<option value="\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::export" />
<option value="\Illuminate\Support\Debug\Dumper::dump" />
<option value="\Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug::enable" />
<option value="\Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader::enable" />
<option value="\Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler::register" />
<option value="\Symfony\Component\Debug\ExceptionHandler::register" />
<option value="\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility::debug" />
<option value="\Zend\Debug\Debug::dump" />
<option value="\Zend\Di\Display\Console::export" />
<option value="dd" />
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<option value="xdebug_start_function_monitor" />
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<option value="Subject" />
<option value="Reply-To" />
<option value="X-JSON-Schema" />
<option value="X-JSON-Type" />
<option value="X-JSON-Path" />
<option value="X-Java-Type" />
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<option value="X-Temperature" />
<option value="X-Model" />
<option value="X-OPENAI-API-KEY" />
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<option name="optionConfiguration">
<option value="barryvdh/laravel-debugbar" />
<option value="behat/behat" />
<option value="brianium/paratest" />
<option value="codeception/codeception" />
<option value="codedungeon/phpunit-result-printer" />
<option value="composer/composer" />
<option value="doctrine/coding-standard" />
<option value="filp/whoops" />
<option value="friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer" />
<option value="humbug/humbug" />
<option value="infection/infection" />
<option value="jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint" />
<option value="johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap" />
<option value="kalessil/production-dependencies-guard" />
<option value="mikey179/vfsStream" />
<option value="mockery/mockery" />
<option value="mybuilder/phpunit-accelerator" />
<option value="orchestra/testbench" />
<option value="pdepend/pdepend" />
<option value="phan/phan" />
<option value="phing/phing" />
<option value="phpcompatibility/php-compatibility" />
<option value="phpmd/phpmd" />
<option value="phpro/grumphp" />
<option value="phpspec/phpspec" />
<option value="phpspec/prophecy" />
<option value="phpstan/phpstan" />
<option value="phpunit/phpunit" />
<option value="povils/phpmnd" />
<option value="roave/security-advisories" />
<option value="satooshi/php-coveralls" />
<option value="sebastian/phpcpd" />
<option value="slevomat/coding-standard" />
<option value="spatie/phpunit-watcher" />
<option value="squizlabs/php_codesniffer" />
<option value="sstalle/php7cc" />
<option value="symfony/debug" />
<option value="symfony/maker-bundle" />
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<option value="vimeo/psalm" />
<option value="wimg/php-compatibility" />
<option value="wp-coding-standards/wpcs" />
<option value="yiisoft/yii2-coding-standards" />
<option value="yiisoft/yii2-debug" />
<option value="yiisoft/yii2-gii" />
<option value="zendframework/zend-coding-standard" />
<option value="zendframework/zend-debug" />
<option value="zendframework/zend-test" />
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