2025-01-24 15:10:20 -05:00
< ? php
namespace Socialbox\Managers ;
use PDOException ;
use Socialbox\Classes\Configuration ;
use Socialbox\Classes\Database ;
use Socialbox\Enums\PrivacyState ;
use Socialbox\Enums\Types\InformationFieldName ;
use Socialbox\Exceptions\DatabaseOperationException ;
use Socialbox\Objects\Database\PeerInformationFieldRecord ;
use Socialbox\Objects\Database\PeerRecord ;
class PeerInformationManager
* Adds a property to a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to add the property to .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to add .
* @ param string $value The value of the property to add .
* @ param PrivacyState | null $privacyState The privacy state of the property to add .
* @ return void
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function addField ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property , string $value , ? PrivacyState $privacyState = null ) : void
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
if ( $privacyState === null )
$privacyState = match ( $property )
InformationFieldName :: DISPLAY_NAME => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultDisplayPicturePrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: FIRST_NAME => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultFirstNamePrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: MIDDLE_NAME => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultMiddleNamePrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: LAST_NAME => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultLastNamePrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: EMAIL_ADDRESS => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultEmailAddressPrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: PHONE_NUMBER => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultPhoneNumberPrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: BIRTHDAY => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultBirthdayPrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: DISPLAY_PICTURE => COnfiguration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultDisplayPicturePrivacy (),
InformationFieldName :: URL => Configuration :: getPoliciesConfiguration () -> getDefaultUrlPrivacy (),
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO peer_information (peer_uuid, property_name, property_value, privacy_state) VALUES (:peer_uuid, :property_name, :property_value, :privacy_state)' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_value' , $value );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':privacy_state' , $privacyState -> value );
$stmt -> execute ();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to add property for peer %s' , $peerUuid ), $e );
* Updates a property for a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to update the property for .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to update .
* @ param string $value The new value of the property .
* @ return void
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function updateField ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property , string $value ) : void
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
if ( ! self :: fieldExists ( $peerUuid , $property ))
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot to update property %s for peer %s, property does not exist' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ));
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'UPDATE peer_information SET property_value=:property_value WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND property_name=:property_name' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_value' , $value );
$stmt -> execute ();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to update property %s for peer %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ), $e );
* Updates the privacy state for a property in a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to update the privacy state for .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to update the privacy state for .
* @ param PrivacyState $privacyState The new privacy state of the property .
* @ return void
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function updatePrivacyState ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property , PrivacyState $privacyState ) : void
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
if ( ! self :: fieldExists ( $peerUuid , $property ))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot update privacy state, the requested property %s does not exist with %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ));
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'UPDATE peer_information SET privacy_state=:privacy_state WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND property_name=:property_name' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$privacyState = $privacyState -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':privacy_state' , $privacyState );
$stmt -> execute ();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to update privacy state for property %s for peer %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ), $e );
* Checks if a property exists for a peer .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to check for the property .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to check for .
* @ return bool
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function fieldExists ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property ) : bool
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM peer_information WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND property_name=:property_name LIMIT 1' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$stmt -> execute ();
return $stmt -> fetchColumn () > 0 ;
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to check if property exists for peer %s' , $peerUuid ), $e );
* Gets a property from a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to get the property from .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to get .
* @ return PeerInformationFieldRecord
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function getField ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property ) : PeerInformationFieldRecord
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'SELECT * FROM peer_information WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND property_name=:property_name LIMIT 1' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$stmt -> execute ();
$result = $stmt -> fetch ();
if ( $result === false )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Property %s does not exist for peer %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ));
return PeerInformationFieldRecord :: fromArray ( $result );
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to get property %s for peer %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ), $e );
* Gets all properties from a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to get the properties from .
* @ return PeerInformationFieldRecord []
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function getFields ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid ) : array
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'SELECT * FROM peer_information WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$stmt -> execute ();
$results = $stmt -> fetchAll ();
if ( ! $results )
return [];
return array_map ( fn ( $result ) => PeerInformationFieldRecord :: fromArray ( $result ), $results );
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to get properties for peer %s' , $peerUuid ), $e );
2025-01-24 15:20:19 -05:00
* Gets all properties from a peer ' s information record that match the provided privacy filters .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to get the properties from .
* @ param PrivacyState [] $privacyFilters The privacy filters to apply .
* @ return PeerInformationFieldRecord [] The filtered properties .
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function getFilteredFields ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , array $privacyFilters ) : array
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
$results = [];
/** @var PrivacyState $privacyState */
foreach ( $privacyFilters as $privacyState )
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'SELECT * FROM peer_information WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND privacy_state=:privacy_state' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':privacy_state' , $privacyState -> value );
$stmt -> execute ();
$results = array_merge ( $results , $stmt -> fetchAll ());
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to get properties for peer %s with privacy state %s' , $peerUuid , $privacyState -> value ), $e );
if ( ! $results )
return [];
return array_map ( fn ( $result ) => PeerInformationFieldRecord :: fromArray ( $result ), $results );
2025-01-24 15:10:20 -05:00
* Deletes a property from a peer ' s information record .
* @ param string | PeerRecord $peerUuid The UUID of the peer to delete the property from .
* @ param InformationFieldName $property The name of the property to delete .
* @ return void
* @ throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if the operation fails .
public static function deleteField ( string | PeerRecord $peerUuid , InformationFieldName $property ) : void
if ( $peerUuid instanceof PeerRecord )
$peerUuid = $peerUuid -> getUuid ();
$stmt = Database :: getConnection () -> prepare ( 'DELETE FROM peer_information WHERE peer_uuid=:peer_uuid AND property_name=:property_name' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':peer_uuid' , $peerUuid );
$propertyName = $property -> value ;
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':property_name' , $propertyName );
$stmt -> execute ();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new DatabaseOperationException ( sprintf ( 'Failed to delete property %s for peer %s' , $property -> value , $peerUuid ), $e );