Made message signing in Cryptography use SHA512 as the message content for... #1

netkas wants to merge 421 commits from master into dev
Showing only changes of commit 6a922dcac2 - Show all commits

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@ -99,6 +99,23 @@
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The name is too long');
if($name !== null && empty($name))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The name cannot be empty');
if($expires !== null && $expires < time())
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The expiration time is in the past');
// At least more than 1 hour
if($expires !== null && $expires < time() + 3600)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The expiration time is too soon, must be at least 1 hour in the future');
$uuid = UuidV4::v4()->toRfc4122();