Made message signing in Cryptography use SHA512 as the message content for... #1

netkas wants to merge 421 commits from master into dev
7 changed files with 523 additions and 286 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 738f8a455c - Show all commits

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
*/ */
public function getUserDisplayImagesPath(): string public function getUserDisplayImagesPath(): string
{ {
return $this->userDisplayImagesPath; return $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->userDisplayImagesPath;
} }
/** /**

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
namespace Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods;
use Exception;
use Socialbox\Abstracts\Method;
use Socialbox\Classes\Configuration;
use Socialbox\Classes\Utilities;
use Socialbox\Enums\Flags\SessionFlags;
use Socialbox\Enums\StandardError;
use Socialbox\Exceptions\StandardException;
use Socialbox\Interfaces\SerializableInterface;
use Socialbox\Managers\RegisteredPeerManager;
use Socialbox\Managers\SessionManager;
use Socialbox\Objects\ClientRequest;
use Socialbox\Objects\RpcRequest;
class SettingsSetDisplayPicture extends Method
* @inheritDoc
public static function execute(ClientRequest $request, RpcRequest $rpcRequest): ?SerializableInterface
return $rpcRequest->produceError(StandardError::RPC_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Missing 'image' parameter");
if(strlen($rpcRequest->getParameter('image')) > Configuration::getStorageConfiguration()->getUserDisplayImagesMaxSize())
return $rpcRequest->produceError(StandardError::RPC_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Image size exceeds the maximum allowed size of " . Configuration::getStorageConfiguration()->getUserDisplayImagesMaxSize() . " bytes");
$decodedImage = base64_decode($rpcRequest->getParameter('image'));
if($decodedImage === false)
return $rpcRequest->produceError(StandardError::BAD_REQUEST, "Failed to decode JPEG image base64 data");
$sanitizedImage = Utilities::resizeImage(Utilities::sanitizeJpeg($decodedImage), 126, 126);
catch(Exception $e)
throw new StandardException('Failed to process JPEG image: ' . $e->getMessage(), StandardError::BAD_REQUEST, $e);
// Set the password
RegisteredPeerManager::updateDisplayPicture($request->getPeer(), $sanitizedImage);
// Remove the SET_DISPLAY_PICTURE flag
SessionManager::removeFlags($request->getSessionUuid(), [SessionFlags::SET_DISPLAY_PICTURE]);
// Check & update the session flow
catch(Exception $e)
throw new StandardException('Failed to update display picture: ' . $e->getMessage(), StandardError::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $e);
return $rpcRequest->produceResponse(true);

View file

@ -1,287 +1,367 @@
<?php <?php
namespace Socialbox\Classes; namespace Socialbox\Classes;
use InvalidArgumentException; use Exception;
use JsonException; use InvalidArgumentException;
use RuntimeException; use JsonException;
use Socialbox\Enums\StandardHeaders; use RuntimeException;
use Throwable; use Socialbox\Enums\StandardHeaders;
use Throwable;
class Utilities class Utilities
* Decodes a JSON string into an associative array, throws an exception if the JSON is invalid
* @param string $json The JSON string to decode
* @return array The decoded associative array
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the JSON is invalid
public static function jsonDecode(string $json): array
{ {
$decoded = json_decode($json, true); /**
* Decodes a JSON string into an associative array, throws an exception if the JSON is invalid
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) *
* @param string $json The JSON string to decode
* @return array The decoded associative array
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the JSON is invalid
public static function jsonDecode(string $json): array
{ {
throw match (json_last_error()) $decoded = json_decode($json, true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE)
{ {
JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Maximum stack depth exceeded"), throw match (json_last_error())
JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Underflow or the modes mismatch"),
JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Unexpected control character found"),
JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Syntax error, malformed JSON"),
JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded"),
default => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Unknown error"),
return $decoded;
public static function jsonEncode(mixed $data): string
catch(JsonException $e)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Failed to encode json input", $e);
* Encodes the given data in Base64.
* @param string $data The data to be encoded.
* @return string The Base64 encoded string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if the encoding fails.
public static function base64encode(string $data): string
$encoded = base64_encode($data);
if (!$encoded)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Failed to encode data in Base64');
return $encoded;
* Decodes a Base64 encoded string.
* @param string $data The Base64 encoded data to be decoded.
* @return string The decoded data.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If decoding fails.
public static function base64decode(string $data): string
$decoded = base64_decode($data, true);
if ($decoded === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Failed to decode data from Base64');
return $decoded;
* Returns the request headers as an associative array
* @return array
public static function getRequestHeaders(): array
// Check if function getallheaders() exists
if (function_exists('getallheaders'))
$headers = getallheaders();
// Fallback for servers where getallheaders() is not available
$headers = [];
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value)
if (str_starts_with($key, 'HTTP_'))
{ {
// Convert header names to the normal HTTP format JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Maximum stack depth exceeded"),
$headers[str_replace('_', '-', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))] = $value; JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Underflow or the modes mismatch"),
JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Unexpected control character found"),
JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Syntax error, malformed JSON"),
JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded"),
default => new InvalidArgumentException("JSON decoding failed: Unknown error"),
return $decoded;
public static function jsonEncode(mixed $data): string
catch(JsonException $e)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Failed to encode json input", $e);
* Encodes the given data in Base64.
* @param string $data The data to be encoded.
* @return string The Base64 encoded string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if the encoding fails.
public static function base64encode(string $data): string
$encoded = base64_encode($data);
if (!$encoded)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Failed to encode data in Base64');
return $encoded;
* Decodes a Base64 encoded string.
* @param string $data The Base64 encoded data to be decoded.
* @return string The decoded data.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If decoding fails.
public static function base64decode(string $data): string
$decoded = base64_decode($data, true);
if ($decoded === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Failed to decode data from Base64');
return $decoded;
* Returns the request headers as an associative array
* @return array
public static function getRequestHeaders(): array
// Check if function getallheaders() exists
if (function_exists('getallheaders'))
$headers = getallheaders();
// Fallback for servers where getallheaders() is not available
$headers = [];
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value)
if (str_starts_with($key, 'HTTP_'))
// Convert header names to the normal HTTP format
$headers[str_replace('_', '-', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))] = $value;
if($headers === false)
throw new RuntimeException('Failed to get request headers');
return $headers;
* Converts a Throwable object into a formatted string.
* @param Throwable $e The throwable to be converted into a string.
* @return string The formatted string representation of the throwable, including the exception class, message, file, line, and stack trace.
public static function throwableToString(Throwable $e): string
return sprintf(
"%s: %s in %s:%d\nStack trace:\n%s",
* Generates a formatted header string.
* @param StandardHeaders $header The standard header object.
* @param string $value The header value to be associated with the standard header.
* @return string The formatted header string.
public static function generateHeader(StandardHeaders $header, string $value): string
return $header->value . ': ' . $value;
* Generates a random string of specified length using the provided character set.
* @param int $int The length of the random string to be generated.
* @param string $string The character set to use for generating the random string.
* @return string The generated random string.
public static function randomString(int $int, string $string): string
$characters = str_split($string);
$randomString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $int; $i++)
$randomString .= $characters[array_rand($characters)];
return $randomString;
* Generates a random CRC32 hash.
* @return string The generated CRC32 hash as a string.
public static function randomCrc32(): string
return hash('crc32b', uniqid());
* Sanitizes a file name by removing any characters that are not alphanumeric, hyphen, or underscore.
* @param string $name The file name to be sanitized.
* @return string The sanitized file name.
public static function sanitizeFileName(string $name): string
return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/', '', $name);
* Sanitizes a Base64-encoded JPEG image by validating its data, decoding it,
* and re-encoding it to ensure it conforms to the JPEG format.
* @param string $data The Base64-encoded string potentially containing a JPEG image,
* optionally prefixed with "data:image/...;base64,".
* @return string A sanitized and re-encoded JPEG image as a binary string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the input data is not valid Base64,
* does not represent an image, or is not in the JPEG format.
public static function sanitizeJpeg(string $data): string
// Temporarily load the decoded data as an image
$tempResource = imagecreatefromstring($data);
// Validate that the decoded data is indeed an image
if ($tempResource === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The data does not represent a valid image.");
// Validate MIME type using getimagesizefromstring
$imageInfo = getimagesizefromstring($data);
if ($imageInfo === false || $imageInfo['mime'] !== 'image/jpeg')
imagedestroy($tempResource); // Cleanup resources
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The image is not a valid JPEG format.");
// Capture the re-encoded image in memory and return it as a string
ob_start(); // Start output buffering
$saveResult = imagejpeg($tempResource, null, 100); // Max quality, save to output buffer
imagedestroy($tempResource); // Free up memory resources
if (!$saveResult)
ob_end_clean(); // Clean the output buffer if encoding failed
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Failed to encode the sanitized image.");
// Return the sanitized jpeg image as the result
return ob_get_clean();
* Resizes an image to a specified width and height while maintaining its aspect ratio.
* The resized image is centered on a black background matching the target dimensions.
* @param string $data The binary data of the source image.
* @param int $width The desired width of the resized image.
* @param int $height The desired height of the resized image.
* @return string The binary data of the resized image in PNG format.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the source image cannot be created from the provided data.
* @throws Exception If image processing fails during resizing.
public static function resizeImage(string $data, int $width, int $height): string
// Create image resource from binary data
$sourceImage = imagecreatefromstring($data);
if (!$sourceImage)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Failed to create image from provided data");
// Get original dimensions
$sourceWidth = imagesx($sourceImage);
$sourceHeight = imagesy($sourceImage);
// Calculate aspect ratios
$sourceRatio = $sourceWidth / $sourceHeight;
$targetRatio = $width / $height;
// Initialize dimensions for scaling
$scaleWidth = $width;
$scaleHeight = $height;
// Calculate scaling dimensions to maintain aspect ratio
if ($sourceRatio > $targetRatio)
// Source image is wider - scale by width
$scaleHeight = $width / $sourceRatio;
// Source image is taller - scale by height
$scaleWidth = $height * $sourceRatio;
// Create target image with desired dimensions
$targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
if (!$targetImage)
throw new Exception("Failed to create target image");
// Fill background with black
$black = imagecolorallocate($targetImage, 0, 0, 0);
imagefill($targetImage, 0, 0, $black);
// Calculate padding to center the scaled image
$paddingX = ($width - $scaleWidth) / 2;
$paddingY = ($height - $scaleHeight) / 2;
// Enable alpha blending
imagealphablending($targetImage, true);
imagesavealpha($targetImage, true);
// Resize and copy the image with high-quality resampling
if (!imagecopyresampled($targetImage, $sourceImage, (int)$paddingX, (int)$paddingY, 0, 0, (int)$scaleWidth, (int)$scaleHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight))
throw new Exception("Failed to resize image");
// Start output buffering
// Output image as PNG (you can modify this to support other formats)
// Return the image data
return ob_get_clean();
if (isset($sourceImage))
if (isset($targetImage))
} }
} }
} }
if($headers === false) /**
* Converts an array into a serialized string by joining the elements with a comma.
* @param array $list An array of elements that need to be converted to a comma-separated string.
* @return string A string representation of the array elements, joined by commas.
public static function serializeList(array $list): string
{ {
throw new RuntimeException('Failed to get request headers'); return implode(',', $list);
} }
return $headers; /**
} * Converts a serialized string into an array by splitting the string at each comma.
/** * @param string $list A comma-separated string that needs to be converted to an array.
* Converts a Throwable object into a formatted string. * @return array An array of string values obtained by splitting the input string.
* */
* @param Throwable $e The throwable to be converted into a string. public static function unserializeList(string $list): array
* @return string The formatted string representation of the throwable, including the exception class, message, file, line, and stack trace.
public static function throwableToString(Throwable $e): string
return sprintf(
"%s: %s in %s:%d\nStack trace:\n%s",
* Generates a formatted header string.
* @param StandardHeaders $header The standard header object.
* @param string $value The header value to be associated with the standard header.
* @return string The formatted header string.
public static function generateHeader(StandardHeaders $header, string $value): string
return $header->value . ': ' . $value;
* Generates a random string of specified length using the provided character set.
* @param int $int The length of the random string to be generated.
* @param string $string The character set to use for generating the random string.
* @return string The generated random string.
public static function randomString(int $int, string $string): string
$characters = str_split($string);
$randomString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $int; $i++)
{ {
$randomString .= $characters[array_rand($characters)]; return explode(',', $list);
} }
return $randomString; /**
} * Checks if the given HTTP response code indicates success or failure.
/** * @param int $responseCode The HTTP response code to check.
* Generates a random CRC32 hash. * @return bool True if the response code indicates success, false otherwise.
* */
* @return string The generated CRC32 hash as a string. public static function isSuccessCodes(int $responseCode): bool
public static function randomCrc32(): string
return hash('crc32b', uniqid());
* Sanitizes a file name by removing any characters that are not alphanumeric, hyphen, or underscore.
* @param string $name The file name to be sanitized.
* @return string The sanitized file name.
public static function sanitizeFileName(string $name): string
return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/', '', $name);
* Sanitizes a Base64-encoded JPEG image by validating its data, decoding it,
* and re-encoding it to ensure it conforms to the JPEG format.
* @param string $data The Base64-encoded string potentially containing a JPEG image,
* optionally prefixed with "data:image/...;base64,".
* @return string A sanitized and re-encoded JPEG image as a binary string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the input data is not valid Base64,
* does not represent an image, or is not in the JPEG format.
public static function sanitizeBase64Jpeg(string $data): string
// Detect and strip the potential "data:image/...;base64," prefix, if present
if (str_contains($data, ','))
{ {
[, $data] = explode(',', $data, 2); return $responseCode >= 200 && $responseCode < 300;
} }
// Decode the Base64 string
$decodedData = base64_decode($data, true);
// Check if decoding succeeded
if ($decodedData === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Base64 data.");
// Temporarily load the decoded data as an image
$tempResource = imagecreatefromstring($decodedData);
// Validate that the decoded data is indeed an image
if ($tempResource === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The Base64 data does not represent a valid image.");
// Validate MIME type using getimagesizefromstring
$imageInfo = getimagesizefromstring($decodedData);
if ($imageInfo === false || $imageInfo['mime'] !== 'image/jpeg')
imagedestroy($tempResource); // Cleanup resources
throw new InvalidArgumentException("The image is not a valid JPEG format.");
// Capture the re-encoded image in memory and return it as a string
ob_start(); // Start output buffering
$saveResult = imagejpeg($tempResource, null, 100); // Max quality, save to output buffer
imagedestroy($tempResource); // Free up memory resources
if (!$saveResult)
ob_end_clean(); // Clean the output buffer if encoding failed
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Failed to encode the sanitized image.");
// Return the sanitized jpeg image as the result
return ob_get_clean();
* Converts an array into a serialized string by joining the elements with a comma.
* @param array $list An array of elements that need to be converted to a comma-separated string.
* @return string A string representation of the array elements, joined by commas.
public static function serializeList(array $list): string
return implode(',', $list);
* Converts a serialized string into an array by splitting the string at each comma.
* @param string $list A comma-separated string that needs to be converted to an array.
* @return array An array of string values obtained by splitting the input string.
public static function unserializeList(string $list): array
return explode(',', $list);
* Checks if the given HTTP response code indicates success or failure.
* @param int $responseCode The HTTP response code to check.
* @return bool True if the response code indicates success, false otherwise.
public static function isSuccessCodes(int $responseCode): bool
return $responseCode >= 200 && $responseCode < 300;

View file

@ -15,28 +15,31 @@ enum StandardError : int
// Client Errors
case BAD_REQUEST = -3000;
case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = -3001;
// Authentication/Cryptography Errors // Authentication/Cryptography Errors
case INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY = -3000; case INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY = -4000; // *
case SESSION_REQUIRED = -3001; case SESSION_REQUIRED = -5001; // *
case SESSION_NOT_FOUND = -3002; case SESSION_NOT_FOUND = -5002; // *
case SESSION_EXPIRED = -3003; case SESSION_EXPIRED = -5003; // *
case SESSION_DHE_REQUIRED = -3004; case SESSION_DHE_REQUIRED = -5004; // *
case CAPTCHA_EXPIRED = -3011; case CAPTCHA_EXPIRED = -6011;
// General Error Messages // General Error Messages
case PEER_NOT_FOUND = -4000; case PEER_NOT_FOUND = -7000;
case INVALID_USERNAME = -4001; case INVALID_USERNAME = -7001;
case NOT_REGISTERED = -4003; case NOT_REGISTERED = -7003;
case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = -4004;
/** /**
* Returns the default generic message for the error * Returns the default generic message for the error

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\GetSessionState; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\GetSessionState;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\GetTermsOfService; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\GetTermsOfService;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\Ping; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\Ping;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\SettingsSetDisplayName;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\SettingsSetPassword; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\SettingsSetPassword;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\VerificationAnswerImageCaptcha; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\VerificationAnswerImageCaptcha;
use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\VerificationGetImageCaptcha; use Socialbox\Classes\StandardMethods\VerificationGetImageCaptcha;
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
self::VERIFICATION_ANSWER_IMAGE_CAPTCHA => VerificationAnswerImageCaptcha::execute($request, $rpcRequest), self::VERIFICATION_ANSWER_IMAGE_CAPTCHA => VerificationAnswerImageCaptcha::execute($request, $rpcRequest),
self::SETTINGS_SET_PASSWORD => SettingsSetPassword::execute($request, $rpcRequest), self::SETTINGS_SET_PASSWORD => SettingsSetPassword::execute($request, $rpcRequest),
self::SETTINGS_SET_DISPLAY_NAME => SettingsSetDisplayName::execute($request, $rpcRequest),
default => $rpcRequest->produceError(StandardError::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, sprintf("The method %s is not supported by the server", $rpcRequest->getMethod())) default => $rpcRequest->produceError(StandardError::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, sprintf("The method %s is not supported by the server", $rpcRequest->getMethod()))
}; };

View file

@ -322,7 +322,8 @@
* Updates the display name of a registered peer based on the given unique identifier or RegisteredPeerRecord object. * Updates the display name of a registered peer based on the given unique identifier or RegisteredPeerRecord object.
* *
* @param string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer The unique identifier of the registered peer, or an instance of RegisteredPeerRecord. * @param string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer The unique identifier of the registered peer, or an instance of RegisteredPeerRecord.
* @param string $name The new * @param string $name The new display name to set to the user
* @throws DatabaseOperationException Thrown if there was an error while trying to update the display name
*/ */
public static function updateDisplayName(string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer, string $name): void public static function updateDisplayName(string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer, string $name): void
{ {
@ -362,6 +363,60 @@
} }
} }
* Updates the display picture of a registered peer in the database.
* @param string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer The unique identifier of the peer or an instance of RegisteredPeerRecord.
* @param string $displayPictureData The raw jpeg data of the display picture.
* @return void
* @throws DatabaseOperationException If there is an error during the database operation.
public static function updateDisplayPicture(string|RegisteredPeerRecord $peer, string $displayPictureData): void
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The display picture UUID cannot be empty');
$uuid = Uuid::v4()->toRfc4122();
$displayPicturePath = Configuration::getStorageConfiguration()->getUserDisplayImagesPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uuid . '.jpeg';
// Delete the file if it already exists
// Write the file contents & set the permissions
file_put_contents($displayPicturePath, $displayPictureData);
chmod($displayPicturePath, 0644);
$peer = self::getPeer($peer);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot update the display picture of an external peer');
Logger::getLogger()->verbose(sprintf("Updating display picture of peer %s to %s", $peer->getUuid(), $uuid));
$statement = Database::getConnection()->prepare('UPDATE `registered_peers` SET display_picture=? WHERE uuid=?');
$statement->bindParam(1, $uuid);
$peerUuid = $peer->getUuid();
$statement->bindParam(2, $peerUuid);
catch(PDOException $e)
throw new DatabaseOperationException('Failed to update the display picture of the peer in the database', $e);
/** /**
* Retrieves the password authentication record associated with the given unique peer identifier or a RegisteredPeerRecord object. * Retrieves the password authentication record associated with the given unique peer identifier or a RegisteredPeerRecord object.
* *

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
private string $username; private string $username;
private string $server; private string $server;
private ?string $displayName; private ?string $displayName;
private ?string $displayPicture;
/** /**
* @var PeerFlags[] * @var PeerFlags[]
*/ */
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
$this->username = $data['username']; $this->username = $data['username'];
$this->server = $data['server']; $this->server = $data['server'];
$this->displayName = $data['display_name'] ?? null; $this->displayName = $data['display_name'] ?? null;
$this->displayPicture = $data['display_picture'] ?? null;
if($data['flags']) if($data['flags'])
{ {
@ -105,16 +107,41 @@
return $this->displayName; return $this->displayName;
} }
* Retrieves the display picture.
* @return string|null The display picture if set, or null otherwise.
public function getDisplayPicture(): ?string
return $this->displayPicture;
* Retrieves the flags.
* @return PeerFlags[] The flags.
public function getFlags(): array public function getFlags(): array
{ {
return $this->flags; return $this->flags;
} }
* Adds a flag to the current instance.
* @param PeerFlags $flag The flag to add.
public function flagExists(PeerFlags $flag): bool public function flagExists(PeerFlags $flag): bool
{ {
return in_array($flag, $this->flags, true); return in_array($flag, $this->flags, true);
} }
* Adds a flag to the current instance.
* @param PeerFlags $flag The flag to add.
public function removeFlag(PeerFlags $flag): void public function removeFlag(PeerFlags $flag): void
{ {
$key = array_search($flag, $this->flags, true); $key = array_search($flag, $this->flags, true);
@ -182,6 +209,7 @@
'username' => $this->username, 'username' => $this->username,
'server' => $this->server, 'server' => $this->server,
'display_name' => $this->displayName, 'display_name' => $this->displayName,
'display_picture' => $this->displayPicture,
'flags' => PeerFlags::toString($this->flags), 'flags' => PeerFlags::toString($this->flags),
'enabled' => $this->enabled, 'enabled' => $this->enabled,
'created' => $this->created 'created' => $this->created