'Unknown Error', self::RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND => 'The request method was not found', self::RPC_INVALID_ARGUMENTS => 'The request method contains one or more invalid arguments', self::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR => 'Internal server error', self::SERVER_UNAVAILABLE => 'Server temporarily unavailable', self::INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY => 'The given public key is not valid', self::UNSUPPORTED_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE => 'The requested authentication type is not supported by the server', self::ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED => 'The action cannot be preformed while authenticated', self::AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED => 'Authentication is required to preform this action', self::SESSION_NOT_FOUND => 'The requested session UUID was not found', self::REGISTRATION_DISABLED => 'Registration is disabled on the server', self::CAPTCHA_NOT_AVAILABLE => 'Captcha is not available', self::INCORRECT_CAPTCHA_ANSWER => 'The Captcha answer is incorrect', self::CAPTCHA_EXPIRED => 'The captcha has expired and a new captcha needs to be requested', self::PEER_NOT_FOUND => 'The requested peer was not found', self::INVALID_USERNAME => 'The given username is invalid, it must be Alphanumeric with a minimum of 3 character but no greater than 255 characters', self::USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS => 'The given username already exists on the network', self::NOT_REGISTERED => 'The given username is not registered on the server', self::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED => 'The requested method is not allowed', }; } }