create table contacts_known_keys ( contact_uuid varchar(36) not null comment 'The UUID of the contact in reference to', key_name varchar(64) not null comment 'The name of the key', public_key varchar(64) not null comment 'The public signing key', expires timestamp not null comment 'The Timestamp for when this key expires', trusted_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null comment 'The Timestamp for when this signing key was trusted', primary key (contact_uuid, key_name) comment 'The unique key-name pair with the contact uuid to ensure no keys with the same names should exist', constraint contacts_known_keys_contact_uuid_key_name_uindex unique (contact_uuid, key_name) comment 'The unique key-name pair with the contact uuid to ensure no keys with the same names should exist', constraint contacts_known_keys_contacts_uuid_fk foreign key (contact_uuid) references contacts (uuid) on update cascade on delete cascade ) comment 'Table for housing known signing keys for peer contacts'; create index contacts_known_keys_key_name_index on contacts_known_keys (key_name) comment 'The index for the key name';