2023-02-03 04:53:03 -05:00
/** @noinspection PhpMissingFieldTypeInspection */
namespace Tamer;
use Closure;
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use Exception;
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use InvalidArgumentException;
use Tamer\Abstracts\Mode;
use Tamer\Classes\Functions;
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use Tamer\Classes\Supervisor;
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use Tamer\Classes\Validate;
use Tamer\Exceptions\ConnectionException;
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use Tamer\Exceptions\UnsupervisedWorkerException;
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use Tamer\Interfaces\ClientProtocolInterface;
use Tamer\Interfaces\WorkerProtocolInterface;
use Tamer\Objects\Task;
class Tamer
* The protocol to use when connecting to the server
* @var string
private static $protocol;
* The protocol to use when connecting to the server as a client
* @var ClientProtocolInterface|null
private static $client;
* The protocol to use when connecting to the server as a worker
* @var WorkerProtocolInterface|null
private static $worker;
* Indicates if Tamer is running as a client or worker
* @var string
* @see Mode
private static $mode;
* Indicates if Tamer is connected to the server
* @var bool
private static $connected;
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* The supervisor that is supervising the workers
* @var Supervisor
private static $supervisor;
* Initializes Tamer as a client and connects to the server
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* @param string $protocol
* @param array $servers
* @param string|null $username
* @param string|null $password
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
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public static function init(string $protocol, array $servers, ?string $username=null, ?string $password=null): void
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throw new ConnectionException('Tamer is already connected to the server');
if (!Validate::protocolType($protocol))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid protocol type: %s', $protocol));
self::$protocol = $protocol;
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self::$mode = Mode::Client;
self::$client = Functions::createClient($protocol, $username, $password);
self::$supervisor = new Supervisor($protocol, $servers, $username, $password);
self::$connected = true;
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* Initializes Tamer as a worker client and connects to the server
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
* @throws UnsupervisedWorkerException
public static function initWorker(): void
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2023-02-05 17:24:22 -05:00
throw new ConnectionException('Tamer is already connected to the server');
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2023-02-05 17:24:22 -05:00
throw new UnsupervisedWorkerException('Tamer is not enabled for this worker');
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2023-02-05 17:24:22 -05:00
self::$protocol = Functions::getWorkerVariables()['TAMER_PROTOCOL'];
self::$mode = Mode::Worker;
self::$worker = Functions::createWorker(self::$protocol);
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self::$connected = true;
* Disconnects from the server
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
public static function disconnect(): void
if (!self::$connected)
throw new ConnectionException('Tamer is not connected to the server');
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
self::$connected = false;
* Reconnects to the server
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
public static function reconnect(): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
* Adds a task to the queue to be executed by the worker
* @param Task $task
* @return void
public static function do(Task $task): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Executes a closure operation in the background (does not return a result)
* @param Closure $closure The closure operation to perform (remote)
* @return void
public static function doClosure(Closure $closure): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Queues a task to be processed in parallel (returns a result handled by a callback)
* @param Task $task
* @return void
public static function queue(Task $task): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Queues a closure to be processed in parallel (returns a result handled by a callback)
* @param Closure $closure The closure operation to perform (remote)
* @param Closure|null $callback The closure to call when the operation is complete (local)
* @return void
public static function queueClosure(Closure $closure, ?Closure $callback=null): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
self::$client->queueClosure($closure, $callback);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Executes all tasks in the queue and waits for them to complete
* @return bool
public static function run(): bool
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
return self::$client->run();
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Registers a function to the worker
* @param string $name The name of the function to add
* @param callable $callable The function to add
* @return void
public static function addFunction(string $name, callable $callable): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Worker)
self::$worker->addFunction($name, $callable);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in worker mode');
* Removes a function from the worker
* @param string $function_name The name of the function to remove
* @return void
public static function removeFunction(string $function_name): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Worker)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in worker mode');
* Works a job from the queue (blocking or non-blocking)
* @param bool $blocking (optional) Whether to block until a job is available
* @param int $timeout (optional) The timeout to use when blocking
* @param bool $throw_errors (optional) Whether to throw errors or not
* @return void
public static function work(bool $blocking=true, int $timeout=500, bool $throw_errors=false): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Worker)
self::$worker->work($blocking, $timeout, $throw_errors);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in worker mode');
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* Adds a worker to the supervisor
* @param string $target
* @param int $instances
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public static function addWorker(string $target, int $instances): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
self::$supervisor->addWorker($target, $instances);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Starts all workers
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public static function startWorkers(): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Stops all workers
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public static function stopWorkers(): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
* Restarts all workers
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public static function restartWorkers(): void
if (self::$mode === Mode::Client)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Tamer is not running in client mode');
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* @return string
public static function getProtocol(): string
return self::$protocol;
* @return ClientProtocolInterface|null
public static function getClient(): ?ClientProtocolInterface
return self::$client;
* @return WorkerProtocolInterface|null
public static function getWorker(): ?WorkerProtocolInterface
return self::$worker;
* @return string
public static function getMode(): string
return self::$mode;
* @return bool
public static function isConnected(): bool
return self::$connected;