setAutoRetry(true); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` function of the bot instance. * * @return void */ public function testSendMessage(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testSendMessage' ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); $this->assertEquals('Test Unit: testSendMessage', $result->getText()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with various Markdown V2 formatting options. * * The message includes examples of bold text, italic text, a hyperlink, inline code, block code, * a user mention, a hashtag, a username mention, and a cashtag. * * @return void */ public function testSendParseMarkdown2Test(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testSendParseMarkdown2Test' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . ' *bold* _italic_ [link](' . PHP_EOL . ' `inline code` ```block code```' . PHP_EOL . ' [mention](tg://user?id=123456789)' . PHP_EOL . ' \#hashtag @username' . PHP_EOL . ' $cashtag', parse_mode: ParseMode::MARKDOWN_V2 ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` function of the bot with multiple Markdown formatting elements. * * This test sends a message containing bold text, italic text, a hyperlink, inline code, * block code, a user mention, a hashtag, a username mention, and a cashtag to verify * proper parsing of Markdown formatting. * * @return void */ public function testSendParseMarkdownTest(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testSendParseMarkdownTest' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . ' *bold* _italic_ [link](' . PHP_EOL . ' `inline code` ```block code```' . PHP_EOL . ' [mention](tg://user?id=123456789)' . PHP_EOL . ' \#hashtag @username' . PHP_EOL . ' $cashtag', parse_mode: ParseMode::MARKDOWN ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with various HTML formatting options. * * The message includes examples of bold text, italic text, a hyperlink, inline code, block code, * a user mention, a username mention, and a cashtag. * * @return void */ public function testSendParseHTMLTest(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testSendParseHTMLTest' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . ' bold italic link' . PHP_EOL . ' inline code
block code
' . PHP_EOL . ' mention' . PHP_EOL . ' @username' . PHP_EOL . ' $cashtag', parse_mode: ParseMode::HTML ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality to ensure that link previews are properly disabled. * * The message contains a URL that should not generate a web page preview. The `LinkPreviewOptions` * is configured to disable previews, and the test asserts that the response message does not include a preview. * * @return void */ public function testWebPagePreviewDisabled(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testWebPagePreview' . PHP_EOL . self::TEST_WEB_PREVIEW_URL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Disabled link preview', link_preview_options: (new LinkPreviewOptions()) ->setDisabled(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with a preference for small media in web page previews. * * The message includes a test unit identifier and a URL for web preview, * and sets the option to prefer small media in the link preview. * * @return void */ public function testWebPagePreviewPreferSmallMedia(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testWebPagePreview' . PHP_EOL . self::TEST_WEB_PREVIEW_URL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Prefer small media', link_preview_options: (new LinkPreviewOptions()) ->setPreferSmallMedia(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with a webpage preview and a preference for large media. * * The message includes a URL and a preference setting for large media in the link preview. * * @return void */ public function testWebPagePreviewPreferLargeMedia(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testWebPagePreview' . PHP_EOL . self::TEST_WEB_PREVIEW_URL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Prefer large media', link_preview_options: (new LinkPreviewOptions()) ->setPreferLargeMedia(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with a web page preview shown above the text. * * The message includes a URL and demonstrates the configuration for showing the web page preview above the actual text. * * @return void */ public function testWebPagePreviewShowAboveText(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testWebPagePreview' . PHP_EOL . self::TEST_WEB_PREVIEW_URL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Show above text', link_preview_options: (new LinkPreviewOptions()) ->setShowAboveText(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } public function testKeyboardMarkup(): void { $replyMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(); $replyMarkup->addRow( (new InlineKeyboardButton())->setText('Button 1')->setCallbackData('button1'), (new InlineKeyboardButton())->setText('Button 2')->setCallbackData('button2') ); $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testKeyboardMarkup', reply_markup: $replyMarkup ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with a reply markup. * The message includes a reply markup with two buttons, and a placeholder text for the input field. * * @return void */ public function testReplyMarkup(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testReplyMarkup', reply_markup: (new ReplyKeyboardMarkup())->addRow( (new KeyboardButton())->setText('Button 1'), (new KeyboardButton())->setText('Button 2') )->setInputFieldPlaceholder('Placeholder') ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); // Remove $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testReplyMarkup', reply_markup: (new ReplyKeyboardRemove())->setRemoveKeyboard(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests the `sendMessage` functionality of the bot with a force reply. * * The message includes a force reply option that requires a reply from the user. * * @return void */ public function testForceReply(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testForceReply', reply_markup: (new ForceReply())->setForceReply(true) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); // Clear $result = self::$bot->sendMessage( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, text: 'Test Unit: testForceReply', reply_markup: (new ForceReply())->setForceReply(false) ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } }