setAutoRetry(true); } /** * Tests sending a voice file to a specified chat. * * @return void */ public function testSendVoice(): void { $result = self::$bot->sendVoice( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, voice: __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sample' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ted.ogg', caption: 'Test Unit: testSendVoice', duration: 30, disable_notification: true ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } /** * Tests sending a voice file with caption entities. * * @return void */ public function testSendVoiceWithCaptionEntities(): void { $captionEntities = [ MessageEntity::fromArray(['type' => 'bold', 'offset' => 5, 'length' => 4]), MessageEntity::fromArray(['type' => 'italic', 'offset' => 10, 'length' => 4]) ]; $result = self::$bot->sendVoice( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, voice: '', caption: 'This is a test', caption_entities: $captionEntities ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); $this->assertEquals('This is a test', $result->getCaption()); } /** * Tests sending a voice file with custom reply markup. * * @return void */ public function testSendVoiceWithReplyMarkup(): void { $replyMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(); $replyMarkup->addRow( InlineKeyboardButton::fromArray(['text' => 'Button 1', 'callback_data' => 'button1']), InlineKeyboardButton::fromArray(['text' => 'Button 2', 'callback_data' => 'button2']) ); try { $result = self::$bot->sendVoice( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, voice: __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sample' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ted.ogg', reply_markup: $replyMarkup ); $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(TEST_CHAT_ID, $result->getChat()->getId()); } catch (TelegramException $e) { $this->fail('Failed to send voice message: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } }