setAutoRetry(true); } /** * Tests the sendPoll method with basic parameters. * * @return void */ public function testSendPollBasic(): void { // Execute the method and retrieve the result $result = self::$bot->sendPoll( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, question: 'What is your favorite color?', options: [ (new InputPollOption())->setText('Red'), (new InputPollOption())->setText('Blue'), (new InputPollOption())->setText('Green'), ] ); // Assert that the result is an instance of Message $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); } /** * Tests the sendPoll method with advanced options. * * @return void */ public function testSendPollWithAdvancedOptions(): void { // Execute the method and retrieve the result $result = self::$bot->sendPoll( chat_id: TEST_CHAT_ID, question: 'What is your favorite color?', options: [ (new InputPollOption())->setText('Red'), (new InputPollOption())->setText('Blue'), (new InputPollOption())->setText('Green'), ], is_anonymous: false, allows_multiple_answers: true, correct_option_id: 1, explanation: 'The correct answer is Blue.', explanation_parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2', open_period: 60, close_date: strtotime('+1 day') ); // Assert that the result is an instance of Message $this->assertInstanceOf(Message::class, $result); } }