
    namespace TgBotLib\Objects;

    use TgBotLib\Interfaces\ObjectTypeInterface;

    class MessageReactionCountUpdated implements ObjectTypeInterface
        private Chat $chat;
        private int $message_id;
        private int $date;
         * @var ReactionCount[]
        private array $reaction_counts;

         * The chat containing the message
         * @return Chat
        public function getChat(): Chat
            return $this->chat;

         * Unique message identifier inside the chat
         * @return int
        public function getMessageId(): int
            return $this->message_id;

         * Date of the change in Unix time
         * @return int
        public function getDate(): int
            return $this->date;

         * List of reactions that are present on the message
         * @return ReactionCount[]
        public function getReactionCounts(): array
            return $this->reaction_counts;

         * @inheritDoc
        public function toArray(): ?array
            return [
                'chat' => $this->chat->toArray(),
                'message_id' => $this->message_id,
                'date' => $this->date,
                'reaction_counts' => array_map(fn(ReactionCount $reaction_count) => $reaction_count->toArray(), $this->reaction_counts)

         * @inheritDoc
        public static function fromArray(?array $data): ?MessageReactionCountUpdated
            if($data === null)
                return null;

            $object = new self();
            $object->chat = Chat::fromArray($data['chat']);
            $object->message_id = $data['message_id'];
            $object->date = $data['date'];
            $object->reaction_counts = array_map(fn($reaction_count) => ReactionCount::fromArray($reaction_count), $data['reaction_counts']);

            return $object;