text; } /** * Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able * to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery. * * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerwebappquery * @return WebAppInfo */ public function getWebApp(): WebAppInfo { return $this->web_app; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function toArray(): array { return [ 'type' => $this->type->value, 'text' => $this->text, 'web_app' => $this->web_app?->toArray() ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public static function fromArray(?array $data): MenuButtonWebApp { $object = new self(); $object->type = $data['type'] ?? null; $object->text = $data['text'] ?? null; $object->web_app = isset($data['web_app']) ? WebAppInfo::fromArray($data['web_app'] ?? []) : null; return $object; } }