295 lines
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295 lines
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/** @noinspection PhpMissingFieldTypeInspection */
namespace TgBotLib\Objects;
use TgBotLib\Interfaces\ObjectTypeInterface;
class Sticker implements ObjectTypeInterface
* @var string
private $file_id;
* @var string
private $file_unique_id;
* @var string
private $type;
* @var int
private $width;
* @var int
private $height;
* @var bool
private $is_animated;
* @var bool
private $is_video;
* @var PhotoSize|null
private $thumbnail;
* @var string|null
private $emoji;
* @var string|null
private $set_name;
* @var File|null
private $premium_animation;
* @var MaskPosition|null
private $mask_position;
* @var string|null
private $custom_emoji_id;
* @var bool
private $needs_repainting;
* @var int|null
private $file_size;
* Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
* @return string
public function getFileId(): string
return $this->file_id;
* Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots.
* Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
* @return string
public function getFileUniqueId(): string
return $this->file_unique_id;
* Type of the sticker, currently one of “regular”, “mask”, “custom_emoji”. The type of the sticker is
* independent of its format, which is determined by the fields is_animated and is_video.
* @return string
public function getType(): string
return $this->type;
* Sticker width
* @return int
public function getWidth(): int
return $this->width;
* Sticker height
* @return int
public function getHeight(): int
return $this->height;
* True, if the sticker is animated
* @see https://telegram.org/blog/animated-stickers
* @return bool
public function isIsAnimated(): bool
return $this->is_animated;
* True, if the sticker is a video sticker
* @see https://telegram.org/blog/video-stickers-better-reactions
* @return bool
public function isIsVideo(): bool
return $this->is_video;
* Optional. Sticker thumbnail in the .WEBP or .JPG format
* @return PhotoSize|null
public function getThumbnail(): ?PhotoSize
return $this->thumbnail;
* Optional. Emoji associated with the sticker
* @return string|null
public function getEmoji(): ?string
return $this->emoji;
* Optional. Name of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs
* @return string|null
public function getSetName(): ?string
return $this->set_name;
* Optional. For premium regular stickers, premium animation for the sticker
* @return File|null
public function getPremiumAnimation(): ?File
return $this->premium_animation;
* Optional. For mask stickers, the position where the mask should be placed
* @return MaskPosition|null
public function getMaskPosition(): ?MaskPosition
return $this->mask_position;
* Optional. For custom emoji stickers, unique identifier of the custom emoji
* @return string|null
public function getCustomEmojiId(): ?string
return $this->custom_emoji_id;
* Optional. True, if the sticker must be repainted to a text color in messages, the color of the Telegram
* Premium badge in emoji status, white color on chat photos, or another appropriate color in other places
* @return bool
public function needsRepainting(): bool
return $this->needs_repainting;
* Optional. File size in bytes
* @return int|null
public function getFileSize(): ?int
return $this->file_size;
* Returns an array representation of the object.
* @return array
public function toArray(): array
return [
'file_id' => $this->file_id,
'file_unique_id' => $this->file_unique_id,
'type' => $this->type,
'width' => $this->width,
'height' => $this->height,
'is_animated' => $this->is_animated,
'is_video' => $this->is_video,
'thumbnail' => ($this->thumbnail instanceof ObjectTypeInterface) ? $this->thumbnail->toArray() : $this->thumbnail,
'emoji' => $this->emoji,
'set_name' => $this->set_name,
'premium_animation' => ($this->premium_animation instanceof ObjectTypeInterface) ? $this->premium_animation->toArray() : $this->premium_animation,
'mask_position' => ($this->mask_position instanceof ObjectTypeInterface) ? $this->mask_position->toArray() : $this->mask_position,
'custom_emoji_id' => $this->custom_emoji_id,
'needs_repainting' => $this->needs_repainting,
'file_size' => $this->file_size,
* Constructs object from an array representation.
* @param array $data
* @return Sticker
public static function fromArray(array $data): self
$object = new static();
$object->file_id = $data['file_id'];
$object->file_unique_id = $data['file_unique_id'];
$object->type = $data['type'];
$object->width = $data['width'];
$object->height = $data['height'];
$object->is_animated = $data['is_animated'];
$object->is_video = $data['is_video'];
$object->thumbnail = isset($data['thumbnail']) ? PhotoSize::fromArray($data['thumbnail']) : null;
$object->emoji = $data['emoji'] ?? null;
$object->set_name = $data['set_name'] ?? null;
$object->premium_animation = isset($data['premium_animation']) ? File::fromArray($data['premium_animation']) : null;
$object->mask_position = isset($data['mask_position']) ? MaskPosition::fromArray($data['mask_position']) : null;
$object->custom_emoji_id = $data['custom_emoji_id'] ?? null;
$object->needs_repainting = $data['needs_repainting'] ?? false;
$object->file_size = $data['file_size'] ?? null;
return $object;
} |