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Internet Federation Database Standard (IFDS) Version 1

IFDS (Internet Federation Database Standard) is a standard database system to which allows internet clients both authorized and public users to query the database to check if the given content or entities involved in the communication could be classified as spam or malicious, allowing a client to take place protections against spam and malicious content on various communication channels such as email, social media, messaging apps, and more.


Table of Contents


Some definitions used in this document, these definitions are not official and are only used to provide a better understanding of the document and the purposes behind features and fields.

  • Peer - Everything from users, bots, channels, groups, and more is considered a peer, a peer is represented by a standard federated address, see Standard Federated Addresses for more information, a peer could be a parent or child of another peer, for example, a user could be a child of a group or channel with an association type of "member", a peer could also be a parent of another peer, for example, a group or channel could be a parent of a user with an association type of "owner" or "admin", these associations are only made known by trusted clients if specified in the QueryDocument, see QueryDocument for more information.

  • Discovery - The process of using the provided information in a QueryDocument to discover & collect information about the content or entities involved in the communication, allowing the database to keep a record of or to have a better understanding of peer associations, content, and more. Discovery is not required for a QueryDocument to be valid, however, it is recommended to provide as much information as possible to allow the database to have a better understanding of the content or entities involved in the communication.


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Client TOTP Signature

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Client Object

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Federation Standard

The federation standard is a standard which defines how clients should communicate with servers, the standard

Available Types

ClientIdentity Object

The ClientIdentity object is used to identify the client, this standard object contains information about what client is invoking the method, this object is required to be provided by all clients when invoking a method, this object is used by the server to determine if the client is authorized to invoke the method and to determine what permissions the client has.

In such cases where a peer is attempting to invoke a method through a client such as, the server will identify the invoker as the peer on behalf of the client, this is done by providing the peer's standard federated address in the peer field of the ClientIdentity object

Parameter Type Required Description
client_uuid string Yes The UUID of the client that is invoking the request
client_totp_signature string No Optional. The client's TOTP signature that proves the request came from the client, only applicable if the client uses authorization
peer string No Optional. The peer that's invoking the command on behalf of the client

Note: If a server has strict permissions enabled, in such cases where the peer has higher permissions than the client, the server will default to maximum permissions as the client rather than the peer, this is to prevent clients without high permissions from abusing the system by using a peer with higher permissions.

Invokable Methods

Invokable Methods are used by clients, peers or the server to invoke a method on the server, the server will use the provided information to determine who's invoking the method and if the method is allowed to be invoked by the peer.

All these methods are standard and required to be implemented by all servers, however, approach would allow for servers to implement additional methods to allow for additional functionality that may not be available in the standard, however, this would require the client to be aware of the additional methods and the server to be aware of the additional methods.

These methods are supposed to invokable by a virtual shell or API endpoint, however, this means while the client does not need to implement or use the shell to invoke these methods but can use the API to achieve the same result as the shell.

ping Method

The ping method is used to check if the server is online and to check the server's version, the ping method is available to all peers. Returns True if the execution was successful, otherwise the client should assume the server is offline or the server is temporarily unreachable.

JSON-RPC Example:

 > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ping", "id": 1}
 < {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true, "id": 1}

Shell Example:

$ ping

Default Permission Table:

root admin operator agent client guest

whoami Method

The whoami method is used to check the client's permissions and other information, the whoami method is available to all peers. Returns the identified "uid" of whoever is invoking the method, this can either be root if the function is being invoked by the server or from the root shell, or the client's UID if the function is being invoked by a client or finally the peer's Standard Federated Address if the function is being invoked by a peer.

JSON-RPC Example:

 > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "whoami", "id": 1}
 < {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "root", "id": 1}

Shell Example:

$ whoami

Default Permission Table:

root admin operator agent client guest

create_client Method

The create_client method is used to create a new client, the create_client method is only available to the root & admin user by default, however, this can be changed by the server's configuration. Returns the UID of the newly created client if the execution was successful


Name Type Required Description
uid string Yes The user ID of that is invoking the method
totp_signature string Yes The TOTP signature for authentication
name string Yes The username of the client

Standard Federated Addresses

A standard federated address is a universally unique identifier which can represent multiple types of peers from different platforms, federated address formats are standardized so only one format is required to be used by clients and allows servers to reject requests to platforms that are not supported by the server.

Federated Telegram User Federated Email Address Federated IPV4

The format of a standard federated address is as follows:


  • source - The platform/source where the peer is from, must be a supported platform, see Platform
  • type - The type of peer, peer types are unique to the platform, see the platform's documentation for more information
  • id - The unique identifier of the peer, the identifier must be unique to the platform, see the platform's documentation for more information

Even though the value types are defined by the platform's specifications for the federated address, the end result will always be a parsable address that can be used by the server to identify the peer.

When coming up with a federated address standard for a platform, it is important to keep in mind that id must be unique to the peer on the platform, for example, if a platform has a username system it is best to avoid using something that can be changed by the user such as a username, instead, use something that is unique to the peer such as an ID or UUID provided by the platform, this will ensure that the federated address will always be valid and will always point to the correct peer even if the peer changes their username or other information that isn't unique to the peer.

For a regex pattern to match a standard federated address, see the following:


Query Document

QueryDocument is a query document constructed by the client which presents the contents of the message or event to either be put into discovery, analyzed for spam or malicious content, or report an event where a report has been produced either by a client's automated system or by manually by a user.

QueryDocument Versioning

The version of the QueryDocument is represented by the version field, the version must always be "1" for now, future versions of the QueryDocument structure may be introduced in the future, to ensure backwards compatibility, the version field must be checked to ensure the server can parse the document correctly. If the server does not support the version of the document, the server must reject the document and return an error to the client.

QueryDocument Subject Types

The subject type of the QueryDocument is represented by the subject_type field, the subject type must be one of the following values:

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RECON Example

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QueryDocument Event Types

The event type of the QueryDocument is represented by the event_type field, the event type must be one of the following values:

  • GENERAL - The event is a general event that does not fit into any other event type, the GENERAL event type is used for events such as a general update to a peer's activity or status that could be used to keep the database up to date with the peer's activity or status.
  • INCOMING - The event is an incoming message/request from a peer, the INCOMING event type is used for events such as a message/request from a peer that was captured by the client.
  • OUTGOING - The event is an outgoing message/request to a peer, the OUTGOING event type is used for events such as a message/request to a peer that was captured by the client.
  • PEER_JOIN - The event is a peer join event, the PEER_JOIN event type is used for events such when a peer joins or connects to the channel_peer
  • PEER_LEAVE - The event is a peer leave event, the PEER_LEAVE event type is used for events such when a peer leaves or disconnects from the channel_peer
  • PEER_BAN - The event is a peer ban event, the PEER_BAN event type is used for events such when a peer is banned from the channel_peer, in such cases the from_peer is the peer that banned the to_peer and the to_peer is the peer that was banned.
  • PEER_UNBAN - The event is a peer unban event, the PEER_UNBAN event type is used for events such when a peer is unbanned from the channel_peer, in such cases the from_peer is the peer that unbanned the to_peer and the to_peer is the peer that was unbanned.
  • PEER_KICK - The event is a peer kick event, the PEER_KICK event type is used for events such when a peer is kicked from the channel_peer, in such cases the from_peer is the peer that kicked the to_peer and the to_peer is the peer that was kicked.
  • PEER_RESTRICT - The event is a peer restrict event, the PEER_RESTRICT event type is used for events such when a peer is restricted from the channel_peer, in such cases the from_peer is the peer that restricted the to_peer and the to_peer is the peer that was restricted.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT - The event is an announcement event, the ANNOUNCEMENT event type is used for events such as an announcement from the channel_peer that was captured by the client, optionally, the from_peer field can be used to specify the peer that made the announcement, if the from_peer field is not specified, the announcement is assumed to be from the `channel_peer

Events are used to give the database context about what's happening in the channel, for example, a server with anomaly detection may use the events to determine if a peer is sending too many messages in a short period of time or a channel is being raided by a group of peers.

In all other cases GENERAL may be used if the client is simply doing RECON requests to keep the database up to date with the peer's activity or status.

QueryDocument Object

The QueryDocument is a JSON object which contains the following fields:

Name Type Required Example Value(s) Description
version string Yes 1 The version of the QueryDocument, must always be "1"
subject_type string Yes RECON, ANALYZE or REPORT The subject type, must be "RECON", "ANALYZE" or "REPORT"
client_id string Yes 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 The client's unique UUIDv4 identifier to identify who the document is from
client_totp_signature string No a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3 The client's TOTP signature to verify the client's identity with the document's reported timestamp, if the client does not use authentication, this field is not required, see Client TOTP Signature
timestamp int No 1614556800 The timestamp of the document, if the client does not use authentication, this field is not required instead the server will use the server's timestamp.
platform string Yes telegram.org, email, discord.com, etc. The platform of the message or event, must be a supported service, see Platform
event_type string Yes incoming_message, peer_join, peer_leave, etc. The event type of the message or event that is represented by the document, this provides the server with context to detect anomalies in the document, see Event Type
channel_peer string No telegram.chat:-1001301191379 The channel peer represented as a Standard Federated Address in which the content was sent in, this could be a communication channel or chat room where one or more peers may use to broadcast messages on, see Standard Federated Addresses
resent_from_peer string No telegram.user:123456789 The resent from peer represented as a Standard Federated Address in which the content was resent/forwarded from, this could be a peer who has resent the content from another peer, see Standard Federated Addresses
from_peer string No telegram.user:123456789 The from peer represented as a Standard Federated Address in which the content was sent from, this could be a peer who has sent the content, see Standard Federated Addresses
to_peer string No telegram.user:123456789 The to peer represented as a Standard Federated Address in which the content was sent to, this could be the intended recipient of the content, see Standard Federated Addresses
proxy_peer string No telegram.user:123456789 The proxy peer represented as a Standard Federated Address in which the content was sent through a proxy, if identified as a proxy that could be mean from_peer is not the original sender of the content but instead the proxy peer is, see Standard Federated Addresses
peers Peer[] No N/A The peer definitions of the document, see Peer
content Content No N/A The content of the document if applicable to the event type, see Content
attachments Attachment[] No N/A Optional attachments if the content contains any, see Attachment
reports Report[] No N/A Optional reports if the content contains any, see Report


: The timestamp field is not required if the client uses authentication, instead the server will use the server's timestamp to verify the document's timestamp, if the client does not use authentication, the timestamp field is required to verify the document's timestamp.


: peers uses the Standard Federated Address as the key


: attachments uses the File Name as the key

QueryDocument.Peer Object

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QueryDocument.Content Object

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QueryDocument.Attachment Object

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QueryDocument.Report Object

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