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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [1.0.4] - Unreleased
## Added
- `LICENSE.md` & `license.md` are now detected as license files in `\ncc\Classes\ComposerExtension > ComposerSourceBuiltin > convertProject()`
### Fixed
- Fixed MITM attack vector in `\ncc\Classes > HttpClient > prepareCurl()`
### Changed
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > HttpClient`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > BashExtension > BashRunner`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > ComposerExtension > ComposerSourceBuiltin`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GithubExtension > GithubService`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > GitlabExtension > GitlabService`
- Corrected code-smell and code style issues in `\ncc\Classes > NccExtension > ConstantCompiler`
## [1.0.3] - 2023-08-16
### Changed
- Refactored `\ncc\Objects > PackageLock`
- Updated `defuse\php-encryption` to version 2.4.0
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > cloneRepositor()` to clone submodules recursively by default
- Updated `\ncc\Classes > GitClient > checkout()` to update submoudles.
- Updated build system for Gitlab
### Fixed
- Fixed issue in `\ncc\Managers > ExecutionPointerManager > executeUnit()` where if ttyMode is enabled in a non-tty
environment, the process will throw an exception
"/etc/ncc/ThirdParty/Symfony/Process/Process.php:1019 Error: TTY mode requires /dev/tty to be read/writable.", now
ncc will display a warning if TTY mode cannot be enabled
## [1.0.2] - 2023-06-29
### Fixed
- Fixed issue where error states are not properly handled in `ExecutionPointerManager` issue [#44](https://git.n64.cc/nosial/ncc/-/issues/44)
- Updated \ncc\Managers > ExecutionPointerManager > executeUnit to set processes to run forever if a timeout is not set/null
### Changed
- Updated `Symfony\Filesystem` to version 6.2.5
- Updated `Symfony\polyfill-ctype` to version 1.27.0
- Updated `Symfony\polyfill-mbstring` to version 1.27.0
- Updated `Symfony\polyfill-uuid` to version 1.27.0
- Updated `Symfony\Process` to version 6.2.5
- Updated `Symfony\Uid` to version 6.2.5
- Updated `Symfony\Yaml` to version 6.2.5
- Updated `\ncc\Managers > PackageManager` to display more logging messages
### Added
- Dockerfile for building a docker image of NCC
## [1.0.1] - 2023-02-07
### Added
- Added file downloads progress
- Added pass-through arguments to `composer` command, all arguments beginning with `--composer-` will be passed to the
`composer` command, for example `--composer-dev` will be passed as `--dev` to the `composer` command
### Fixed
- Bug fix where resources are not decoded correctly when installing packages [#31](https://git.n64.cc/nosial/ncc/-/issues/42)
- Fixed issue where dependency conflicts are thrown even when `--reinstall` is used
- Properly implemented `composer.enable_internal_composer` so that warnings regarding improper configuration values are not thrown
- Minor improvements to the CLI interface including fixing `--version`
### Changed
- File downloads now cache the URL as a pointer to the file reducing the number of times the same file is downloaded
## [1.0.0] - 2022-01-29
### Added
- Initial release of NCC |